Milestones of Language Development

By sopi012
  • baby is born

  • 2 months

    Infants coo - vowel like slounds
  • 6 months

    Infants starts to babble, using consonants
  • 8 to 12 months

    Establishes joint attention
    Toddler say their first recognizable word
  • 18 to 24 months

    Vocabulary expands to 50 to 200 to 250 words
    Starts teegram speech, two word utterances
  • Age 3 years old

    Child is able to use words in the concrete form without visual references
  • Age 5 years old

    Expressives use of vocabulary words has increased to 2100 to 2200 words
  • Age 6 years old

    Approximately 2,600 words of expressive vocabulary and 20,000–24,000 words of receptive vocabulary
  • Ages 8 to 12 years old

    Learning words up to 12 words a day, in some cases up to 20 words a day
  • Age 10 years old

    Children's vocabulary development through reading moves away from learning concrete words to learning abstract words.