
  • British

    The British migration to Australia by ships, boats. they also came to Australia to find the gold rush and to find the new places and for better life too. Because they were poor the first fleet arriverd in January 26th 1788.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    The Chinese men and women migrated from China to Australia. They migrated to Australia by ships and boats. They came to find gold.
  • English

    The English migration from England came to Australia by ships, boats and planes, after world war 1 for esaping and avoid.
  • Post World War 2

    Post World War 2
    The france, Germany, Hungry, Italy, Poland, United kingdom...... they also came to Australia by ships, boats and planes. Because they had war in their countries they came to escaping war and aviod.
  • Europeans

    they're came to Australia after World war 2 by escaping war, refugee and aviod.
  • Post Vietnam war

    Post Vietnam war
    The Vietnamese migration from Vietman to Australia by ships, boats and planes, because of the Vietnam war that happened for a long time before the United States stepped in to help.
  • Germany

    they're continue came to Australia after second world war to escaping, aviod and for better life.
  • Post Khmer Rouge

    Post Khmer Rouge
    the Cambodian migration from Cambodia to Australia, they came by ships, boats, planes. Because they're had war over countries, predominantly after the fall of the country's genocidal Khmer Rouge and they're came for escaping war and aviod. .
  • Afghanistan

    they're countries had war so they're came to Australia is escaping the communist regime at the time, and later escaping the radical Mujahideen and aviod.
  • Sudan

    Mostly Africa people also came to Australia, because their had war and link ishttp://www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/delivering-assistance/government-programs/settlement-planning/_pdf/community-profile-sudan.pdf