Mexico 1750-1900

  • Mexican Independence Day

    Mexican Independence Day
    The Mexicans revolt against Spain, On this day the Grito de Delores, "Viva Mexico," was heared. The people fought for eleven years before they finally won their freedom. --
  • Inviting attutide towards The United states

    Inviting attutide towards The United states
    In the 1820s Mexico decides to "encourage Americans to immigrate to its northern province of Texas." This attutidue later changes as the population of Americans increases.-- picture from
  • Spanish invasion

    The spanish invaded Mexico. This was a weak attempt to over throw the mexican Sovereignty. Mexco held their ground.
  • American population in texas is great

    After the Mexico decides to encourage american immgration to their province of texas many Americans do. The Texas living American population increases to a number that greatly outnumbers their Mexican counterparts. In fact, it was 4 to one ratio. This leaves the american settlers feeling powerful and they decide to be aggresive and try to changes Mexican laws and policies.
  • Texas not a province anymore

    Texas not a province anymore
    the combination of displeased peoples, Mecian liberals and The american settlers, lead to a rebellion and a brief war. This war is lost by Mexico, Which leads toTexas gaining its independence in 1836. Becoming for a brief while before the Untited states made texas part of their country, the Republic of Texas.--
  • Mexican-American war

    Mexican-American war
    When the us made Texas a state in 1845 it provoced meico into a war. Mexico ended up having to surrending Mexico City. this great loss will end up greatly hurting Mexico. --
  • The Treaty of 1848

    The Treaty of 1848
    Because MExico lost the war with the Untied States the consquence of this was that they had to except a little amount of money, $15 million, for the exchane of a "vast" amount of teritories to the Americans. This area includes New Mexico, Arizona, and the gold filled California. --
  • New contitution

    New contitution
    Becasue of the threats that still were out there for Mexico and the fact that they already lost a great chuck of land Mexico reforms itself. This included a new constitution that provoked a civil war (1858-1861). --
  • French invasion

    French invasion
    The citzens that were angered by the new contitution asked the French Napoloen III to help them. (cinco de mayo) 1862 --