Mexican revolution (12 events)

  • Pearson's magazine

    Pearson's magazine
    He publishes the "Creelman interview" with President Diaz in which he declares that Mexico is ready for a democracy and a new leader. (Not day)
  • San Luis Potosi's plan

    San Luis Potosi's plan
    Francisco Madero writes the "Plan of San Luis Potosí" in San Antonio, Texas, in which he urges all Mexicans to stand against the dictator on November 20, 1910. (Not original day)
  • Joining

    Francisco I. Madero convinces Pascual Orozco and Pancho Villa to join the revolution. (Neither month nor day)
  • Farmer's uprising

    Emiliano Zapata leads an uprising of peasants to fight for rights over land and water. (Not day)
  • Juarez City

    Orozco and Villa conquered Ciudad Juarez
  • President

    Francisco I. Madero was elected president.
  • Rebelion

    Pascual Orozco leads a rebellion in Chihuahua, after losing the election for president. The general Victoriano Huerta, representating Madero, defeats Orozco and arrests Pancho Villa. (Not day)
  • Huerta

    Huerta heads a blow against Madero, who is deposed, arrested and imprisoned.
  • Deads

    President Madero and Vice President Pino Suarez are riddled with bullets. Huerta declares himself president of Mexico.
  • USA

    United States is against Huerta. (Not the day)
  • First boss

    Venustiano Carranza, the governor of Coahuila, is named First Chief in the fight against Huerta ("The Usurper") and against Villa and Zapata. Alvaro Obregón is in charge of Carranza's army. (Not the day)
  • Veracruz

    United States forces occupy Veracruz.