
  • Mercosur is formed

    The Treaty of Ascunión established the southern common market: (Mercado Comun del Sur) Mercosur, between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
  • Mercosur Customs Union

    The Mercosur Customs Union was created among Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
  • Protocol of Ouro Preto: Institutional foundation of MERCOSUR

    defines MERCOSUR’s institutional structure, establishing the attributions and the decision-making system of its main bodies.
  • Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement with the EU

    Mercosur signs an Inter-regional Framework Co-operation Agreement with the European Union, formalising dialogues between the two bodies. It comes into effect in 1999.
  • Chile joins Mercosur as an associate member

    Frustrated in its attempts to join NAFTA, Chile joins Mercosur as an associate member.
  • Bolivia joins as an associate member

  • EU and Mercosur form new cooperation agreements

    A European and Latin American summit opened for a 2 day conference in Rio De Janeiro. The EU and Mercosur bloc agreed to form a new free-trade zone, and both parties agree to further the cooperation between the two regions
  • Moves to include Chile as a full member were suspended after Santiago signed a free-trade deal with the US.

  • Mercosur signed a free-trade agreement with the Andean Countries.

    Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru are associate members; they can join free-trade agreements but remain outside the bloc's customs union.
  • Peru joins as an associate member

    Andean Community member Peru joins Mercosur as an associate member. This paves the way for a cooperation agreement with the Andean Community of Nations to be signed the following year.
  • Mercosur signs pact with the Andean Community of Nations

    Mercosur signs a cooperation agreement with the Andean Community of Nations. As a result, Colombia and Ecuador are brought in the fold as Mercosur associate members, joining their fellow Andean Community members, Bolivia and Peru.
  • Constitutive Protocol of the MERCOSUR Parliament (PARLASUR)

  • Creation of the MERCOSUR Social Institute (ISM)

  • Mercosur Parliament inaugurated

    The Mercosur Parliament is inaugurated following an agreement in 2004 ordering its creation. It is based in Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Creation of the Institute of Public Policies on Human Rights (IPPDH)

  • Creation of the Social Participation Unit (UPS)

  • Paraguay's membership is suspended

    In Argentina, the Mercosur trade bloc held a summit. It suspended Paraguay's membership for having impeached and ousted its president
  • Venezuela was officially welcomed into the Mercosur trade bloc

  • Venezuela is suspended

    The South American trade bloc Mercosur, meeting in San Paulo, decided to suspend Venezuela for failing to follow democratic norms.
  • EU-Mercosur exchange free trade offers for the first time since 2012

    Negotiations cover a broad range of issues including:
    - tariffs
    - rules of origin
    - technical barriers to trade
    - sanitary and phytosanitary measures
    - services
    - government procurement
    - intellectual property
    - sustainable development
    - small- and medium-sized enterprises
    This free trade agreement will be part of the overall negotiation for a bi-regional Association Agreement which also comprises a political and a cooperation pillar.