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Mental Health

  • Public Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds

    The first building in North America was devoted solely to the treatment of the mentally ill. The first patient was admitted on October 12, 1773
  • First International Congress of Mental Hygiene

    Delegates from different countries attended the first-ever international gathering that discussed mental illness. Mental hygiene was discussed as well as care for treatment for those who are suffering from various mental disorders. It specifically helped open people's eyes to understand that mental issues are an actual disease and certain measures need to be taken to help those who suffer from them.
  • The National Mental Health Act

    Authorized the Surgeon General to improve the mental health of U.S. citizens through research into the cause, diagnosis, financial support for research, and treatment of psychiatric disorders.
  • The Mental Health Study Act

    The Mental Health Study Act of 1955, called for "an objective, thorough, nationwide analysis and reevaluation of the human and economic problems of Mental Health."
  • The Mental Health Study Act

    The Mental Health Study Act of 1955, called for an objective, thorough, nationwide analysis and reevaluation of the human and economic problems of mental health
  • Medicare

    Mental Health America successfully advocated for the inclusion of mandated mental health services in medicare.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142)

    Established a nationwide right to a free ad appropriate public education for all children, regardless of disability status.
  • The AIDS Epidemic in the United States

    The AIDS Epidemic in the United States
    The effect of AIDS on gay men. We have lost 40.1 million men to the AIDS Epidemic. "Silence = Death: Direct action response to the AIDS crisis.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Mental health America assisted in the creation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prevents mentally and physically disabled Americans from being discriminated against in areas such as employment. public accommodations, and state and local governments.
  • Real Men. Real Depression. Campaign

    This campaign was started to inform men about depression and the statistics of how many men struggle with mental illness. Created awareness of symptoms of depression as well as society's emotional support.
  • Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equality Act

    Expanded federal requirements for mental health insurance coverage. This means that insurance companies that chose to cover mental illness had to cover mental health now the same way they covered physical health.
  • Mental Health Awareness Month

    Observed in May in the United States since 1949 started by Mental Health America.