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Maurice Wright's World of 1500s

  • Period: 500 to

    Section 3: Timespand

  • 1000

    Vikings Visits North America

    Vikings Visits North America
    Vikings are normally called "The Norse" after Columbus planned his first voyage on the northern seas. These Vikings were bold explorers in the North Atlantic Ocean. In the late 900s, these Vikings reached the land of Greenland. Eighty-six years later, the Vikings were led by Erik the Red.
  • 1000

    Leif Eriksson

    Leif Eriksson
    Leif Eriksson was a man who became the first European to reach the North American continent. Eriksson was headed to Greenland with his group, but they missed their destination so they headed west. When they landed in eastern Greenland there were grapevines and wild grass and that's when he called that place Vinland because of the abundant vines.
  • 1312

    Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa
    Mansa Musa was a ruler who held power from his father from 1307 - 1332. He reigned for 25 years by trading gold for souvenirs! He also traded expanding trades before he stopped being king in the 1330s! To this today he was one was the richest man on earth by trading armies, gold, and territories.
  • 1400

    Askia Muhammad

    Askia Muhammad
    The most famous ruler of the Songhai Empire was Askia
    Muhammad! He believed in Islam just like Muhammad Ali and that's how Askia changed his name. He reigned over Songhai from 1493 - 1528 and this happened after Mansa Musa became ruler over "The Kingdom of Mali" in the 1300s.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Section 5: Cultures make Contact

  • 1415

    The Portuguese in West Africa Plantations

    The Portuguese in West Africa Plantations
    The Portuguese started on plantations to begin making large scaled farms to use for sugar and other trades. In the 1500s they started the sugar plantation in the Caribbean Lands. The other four countries that also launched ventures were British, French, Dutch, and Spanish.
  • 1486

    Columbus and Isabella

    Columbus and Isabella
    Columbus and Isabella came from two different worlds, but they both had auburn hair and blue eyes. At their first meeting in 1486, Isabella agreed with Columbus's ideas, but the final decision took 6 years. When his ideas didn't really succeed Isabella was sending money and gifts to encourage him to keep trying after the Reconquista was over.
  • 1492

    The Columbian Exchange

    The Columbian Exchange
    The Columbian Exchange is a very powerful exchange of plants, animals, languages, and technology. Also, Deadly diseases were exchanged to bring new epidemics to the Americas. The groups that interacted with the exchange were Native Americans, Europeans, and even Africans. The Columbus Exchange had some very complicated consequences including dying from smallpox and measles. The two main benefits are crops that will grow anywhere are corn and potatoes.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    The First Voyage

    The First Voyage
    When Columbus and the other 90 men set sail after three weeks they all were frightened and restless. When their eyes saw birds and floating tree branches they knew there was land ahead. At this moment, Europeans and Native Americans met for the first time.
  • 1550

    The Atlantic Slave Trade

    The Atlantic Slave Trade
    Slavery began inside of Africa and then it spread over all nations for hundreds of years! Slavery became worldwide in Mediterranean countries into the late 1400s to become cheap labor. When about 50,000 African captives/slaves has been sent to southern Europe in the 1550s, the main focus was the slaves getting sent back to Europe.
  • The Impact on African Society

    The Impact on African Society
    The Atlantic slave trade went towards 400 years and devastated societies in West Africa. Historians estimated some 20 million enslaved Africans were shipped to America. In addition, the slave trades suffered from enormous losses of their own population.
  • The Door of No Return

    The Door of No Return
    The Door of No Return was the House of Slaves' home and on both sides of the stairs were enslaved, men and women. The location of this event is located in MJ93+23P, Dakar, Senegal. This masterpiece was a powerful symbol for tens of thousands of years of visitors every year.