Mars Timeline

  • 300

    300 BC -Aristotole

    300 BC -Aristotole
    Aristotole notes that mars is further away from the earth than the moon
  • Jan 1, 1580

    Tycho Brahe Plots Mars Position in the Sky

    Tycho Brahe Plots Mars Position in the Sky
    Made before telescopes, makes a very detailed measurement of Mars in the night sky
  • Galileo and Mars

    Galileo and Mars
    Galileo uses his telescope to observe Mars
  • Galileo Notes Phases on Mars

    Galileo Notes Phases on Mars
    Galileo notes in a letter that he notes the phases of Mars and that it is not perfectly round
  • Kepler Publishes his 3rd Law of Planetary Motion

    Kepler Publishes his 3rd Law of Planetary Motion
    Johannes Kelper uses data for the orbit of Mars to discover that "the square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the body's mean distance from the Sun"
  • Fontana Makes First Know Drawing of Mars

    Fontana Makes First Know Drawing of Mars
    Francisco Fontana makes the first known drawing of Mars noting that "The disk of Mars is not uniform in color"
  • Gian Cassini observes Mars

    Gian Cassini observes Mars
    Cassini observes that Mars has a polar ice cap and notes that the length of a Martian day is 24 hours 40 minutes
  • Soviets the first to attempt to launch a probe to mars

    Soviets the first to attempt to launch a probe to mars
    The first spacecraft designed to explore Mars. Marsnik 1 failed and 2 weeks later Marsnik 2 also failed.
  • Mariner Program

    Mariner Program
    Mariner 4 was launched in November, survived the 8 month journey to Mars, and it took the first ever close up pictures of Mars and measured the daytime temperature
  • US success

    US success
    The US accomplishes in placing two landers on the surface of Mars
  • Japan enters Mars exploration race

    Japan enters Mars exploration race
    Nozomi probe doesn't reach Mars' orbit
  • European Space Agency launches Mars Express

    European Space Agency launches Mars Express
    The first mission by the ESA to another planet.Has provided high-resolution images of Mars, and it continues its orbit.
  • More exploration for the US

    More exploration for the US
    The US place Spirit and Opportunity on opposite sides of Mars and begin exploration of the Martian surface
  • Phoenix Mars Lander

    Phoenix Mars Lander
    Studied northern polar climate and weather until it was destroyed by cold winter
    Landed May 25 2008
  • Curiosity Landing

    Curiosity Landing
    The most recent Mars rover.