290px viking orbiter releasing the lander


  • The first telescopic observation of Mars

    The first telescopic observation of Mars
    The first telescopic observation of Mars was made by Galileo Galilei in 1610.
  • First person to draw Map of Mars

    First person to draw Map of Mars
    In 1877, Giovanni Schiaparelli, an Italian astronomer, was the first person to draw a map of Mars. His map showed a system of streaks or channels, which he called canali.
  • Korabl 4

    Korabl 4
    Failed-it didn't reach orbit.
  • Marsnik 1 (Mars 1960A)

    Marsnik 1 (Mars 1960A)
    10 October 1960 - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure)
  • The first probe to Mars

    The first probe to Mars
    was launched by Russia in 1962. It by-passed Mars but communication failed
  • Phoenix Mars Lander

    Phoenix Mars Lander
    Returned more than 25 gigabits of data!
  • Zond 2

    Zond 2
    This Soviet flyby mission went awry when its solar panels failed to fully open. Mission personnel lost contact with Zond 2 in May 1965.
  • Mariner 4

     Mariner 4
    The first spacecraft to visit Mars.
  • Mars 3 Orbiter/Lander

    Mars 3 Orbiter/Lander
    Orbiter obtained approximately 8 months of data and lander landed safely, but only 20 seconds of data.
  • Viking 2 Orbiter/Lander

    Viking 2 Orbiter/Lander
    Returned 16,000 images and extensive atmospheric data and soil experiments.
  • Mars Global Surveyor

    Mars Global Surveyor
    More images than all Mars Missions!!
  • Mars Polar Lander

    Mars Polar Lander
    This lander (launched separately) was to work in concert with Mars Climate Orbiter to study Mars’s climate and weather, but the lander also failed.
  • Mars Exploration Rover - Spirit

    Mars Exploration Rover - Spirit
    Operating lifetime of more than 15 times original warranty.
  • Mars Science Laboratory

    Mars Science Laboratory
    It explored Mar's inhabibility.

    18 November 2013 - Mars Scout Mission Orbiter. It is the most recent spacecraft going to Mars.