
Marching Toward War

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    Otto Von Bismarck

    Prussia's blood-and-iron cancellor, Otto Von Bismarck freely used war to unify Germany
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    Franco-Prussian War

    France wanted to have got over the loss of Alsace-Lorraine to germany, but France never had got it.
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    In early 1870 were created several military alliances among great powers.
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    Satisfied Power

    Otto Von Bismarck declared germany to be a satisfied power.
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    Dual Alliance

    Otto Von Bismarck formed the dual alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary
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    Russia into Bismarck alliances

    Otto Von Bismarck took yet another possible ally away from france by making a treaty with Russia
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    Triple Alliance

    Three years later after the foundation of the Dual Alliance, Italy joined them forming the triple alliance
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    New Ruler in Germany

    Kaiser Wilhelm II become ruler of Germany
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    Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Keiser Wilhelm II forced Bismarck to resign, Wilhelm II did not wish to share the power with anyone
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    Germany and Russia

    Wilhelm let his nation's treaty with Russia.
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    Russian military

    Russia responded to Whilhels treaty by forming a defencive military
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    Fédéric Passy

    Fédéric Passy, a prominent peace actiust expressed a concer that many shared
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    Crisis in the balkans

    The Ottoman Empire, which included the Belkan region, was in rapid decline. While some balkan groups struggled to free themselves from the ottoman truks, other already had successed in breaking away from their turkish rulers and formed nations as: Bulgria, Grece, Montenegro, Romania and Servia
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    Triple entente

    Britain made an entente, this time with france and Russia, it was called Triple Entente.
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    The dispute between two rival powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy against Great Britain, France and Russia) could draw all nations into war.
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    Bosnia and Herzegovina into Austria

    Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovnia, there were to balkans areas with large slavic population.
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    All the great powers except britain had large standing armies.
  • The Murder

    The Murder
    Archiduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie pais a state visit to Saravenjo, the capital of Bosnia. The royal pair was shot, their killer was Gavirlo Princip, member of The Black Hand (a secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule )
  • The Ultimatum

    The Ultimatum
    Austria presented Serbia with an ultimatum containing nunerous demands serbian leaders agreed to most of the Austria's demands
  • War declatarion

    War declatarion
    Austria rejected Serbia's offer and declared war
  • Russia an ally of Serbia

    Russia an ally of Serbia
    Rusia an ally of Serbia with its largely slavic population took action. Russian leaders ordered the mobilization of troops toward Austrian border