Manifest destiny

Manifest Destiney

  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiney

    America had a destiny to gain all the land to the west coast.This timeline discribes how they did it.
  • American Oringanal Territory

    American Oringanal  Territory
    When America began it gained the land by beating the british in the american revolution.It was given to them by the treaty of paris 1783.
  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiny

  • lousiana purshase

    lousiana purshase
    This was a purshase that doubled the size of america.France stole 828,000.
  • British Cession

    British Cession
    A treaty between usa and the United Kingdom that resolved boundary issues between the two nations.
  • Spanish Cession

    Spanish Cession
    President monroe sent a genearl to spanish.with no energy .When was it it was in 1818.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    This is when Texas became a state in usa.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    President James K Polk had somthing they wanted so they had war.Thats how we got mexico.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    the gadsden purshase was wher they had war.james gadsden
    bought the land from them.
  • Oregon Territory

    Oregon Territory
    When Oregon became a state of the usa.president James Polk settled the boundary of the Oregon territory with great Brittany
  • Alaska Purchase

    Alaska Purchase
    William Seward purchased alaska.IOt influenced people.
  • Hawaii Purchase

    Hawaii Purchase
    When Hawaii became part of the usa.In 1898 it was signed by president william mc.kinly.