
Malala Yousafzai Vittoria 3D

  • The birth

    The birth
    She was born in Mingora, Pakistan on July 12, 1997
  • The school

    The school
    Her father was a teacher and ran a girls' school in their village, in January 2008, She said goodbye to her classmates, because she was a girl
  • The attack

    The attack
    She spoke out publicly on behalf of girls and our right to learn. And this made her a target. In October 2012 on her way home from school, a masked gunman asked ''Who is Malala?'' He shot her on the left side of her head
  • The new life

    The new life
    After months of surgeries and rehabilitation, she joined her family in their new home in the U.K.
    Malala whit her father established ''Malala Fund''. In recognition of their work She received the Nobel Peace Prize
  • The incredible project

    The incredible project
    She began studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford. And every day She fight to ensure all girls receive 12 years of free, safe, quality education
  • The graduation

    The graduation
    She graduated from Oxford University!
  • Today

    Currently she works as General Manager at Pakistan Cricket Board (Pcb)