
The Color Purple

  • Celie is raped by her Pa

    Celie is raped by her Pa
  • Mr. Comes calling for Nettie

    Mr. Comes calling for Nettie
    and get's Celie instead
  • Celie Meets Corrine

    Celie Meets Corrine
    and her lost daughter Olivia
  • Nettie runs away from home and

    Nettie runs away from home and
    stays with Mr. and Celie for a while. When she leaves Mr. tries to rape her but she fights back and he leaves her, saying he'll never let any of her letters get to Celie, they'll never hear from each other ever again!
  • Harpo Meets and Falls in Love

    Harpo Meets and Falls in Love
    with Sophia, so he fixes up the shed as a house and their son is born right before they're married soon after.
  • Harpo wants Sophia to mind him

    Harpo wants Sophia to mind him
    like Celie minds Mr. so he tries to beat her, but she fights back and hurts him way worse than he could ever hurt her.
  • Shug Avery Comes Into Town

    Shug Avery Comes Into Town
    and Mr. goes a little crazy getting ready and then stays out of the house the whole weekend watching her sing, never really being the same afterward, just sitting on the porch and drinking at night.
  • Shug gets sick

    Shug gets sick
    and no one but Mr. will take her in and Celie tries her best to help her get better, which she does, even though Shug acts like the angriest, evilest person alive while she's sick.
  • Sophia gets tired of Harpo trying

    Sophia gets tired of Harpo trying
    to make her mind him "like a dog" so she packs up the kids and herself and leaves him to live with her sister Odessa and her husband Jack, who both love kids.
  • Harpo turns his house into a Jukejoint

    Harpo turns his house into a Jukejoint
    where Shug sings while she's recovering​ so she can​ get back into practice and stretch her voice into shape.
  • Shug announces she's going

    Shug announces she's going
    To leave soon and Celie tells her she's being beaten and then they talk about more intimate proceedings​.
  • Sophia comes by the JukeJoint

    Sophia comes by the JukeJoint
    with a new boyfriend and she and Harpo dance until Harpo's new girlfriend gets jealous and slaps Sophia, who then knocks two of Squeaks teeth out.
  • Sophia sasses the Mayors Wife

    Sophia sasses the Mayors Wife
    and get's beaten almost to death by the cops, then put in jail. Squeak talks to the Warden to convince him Sophia would be more miserable as the mayor's​ wife's maid then in prison so Sophia can get out and survive.
  • Squeak Starts to sing

    Squeak Starts to sing
    since the prison break attempt definitely​ raised her confidence.
  • Shug comes back from touring

    Shug comes back from touring
    with a new husband named Grady that Mr. and Celie both immediately hate on principle.
  • Shug and Celie get even closer until on night

    Shug and Celie get even closer until on night
    after Celie shares her life story they end up sleeping together.
  • Shug Realizes That Mr. Was Hiding

    Shug Realizes That Mr. Was Hiding
    Nettie's letters from Celie and she manages to get one away from him through her charms without him realizing.​
  • Nettie is alive and

    Nettie is alive and
    she's been staying with Corrine and Samuel, the Reverend and his wife, the whole time with both of Celie's kids.
  • Netties Letters

    Netties Letters
    tell them that she went to Africa as a missionary and she's now living with the Olinka, they stopped reading after the roof leaf​ ceremony.
  • Celie wants to kill Mr.

    Celie wants to kill Mr.
    but Shug convinces her not too and distracts her by getting her started on making pants after Celie sneaks up behind Mr. with his razor open in her hand.
  • Shug and Celie read more of the letters

    Shug and Celie read more of the letters
    and they realize through Samuels story to Nettie that the man Celie and Nettie thought was their father was actually their stepfather​, their real dad had been lynched and their mother was completely driven insane by it.
  • Celie and Shug Talk About God

    Celie and Shug Talk About God
    since Celie has lost faith in him, what's he ever done for her? Her life's been hell, so she stops having faith. Shug shares her own philosophy about god, that God isn't a he, but an it, not to let men rule the world like they try, to realize that God is in everyone and everything and all it wants is to be loved and create things that will be loved as well.​
  • Celie finally starts to gain self-confidence.

    Celie finally starts to gain self-confidence.
  • Celie, Shug, Grady, and Squeak All Go North

    Celie, Shug, Grady, and Squeak All Go North
    to Shug and Grady's house in Memphis, and while they're there Grady and squeak get together and Shug and Celie get closer than ever, Shug still touring and Celie making pants for everybody.
  • Nettie, Samuel, and the children all head to England

    Nettie, Samuel, and the children all head to England
    on behalf of the Olinka and while there Nettie and Samuel realize their love for each other and get married. But they can't help the tribe, so they plan on heading back home after returning once more.
  • Celie heads down South Again

    Celie heads down South Again
    when Sophia's mother dies and She and Sophia and Harpo all talk about what's​ going on, they smoke weed, and they discuss how their views on the world have all changed, though Harpo feebly holds on to his, if only to whine about them.
  • When Nettie and the others return

    When Nettie and the others return
    Tashi has gone through the initiation ceremonies and is hiding from shame. So Adam follows her and her mother when they go to join a rebel tribe and brings her back. Then he goes through the scarring himself so she won't feel so alone if she agrees to marry him. She says yes since she won't be along in America.
  • Nettie And Celie's Stepfather Dies In His Sleep

    Nettie And Celie's Stepfather Dies In His Sleep
    And they inherit the house he remodeled and everything around it, including a store and a farm. His new wife takes all of the furniture he bought for her, but Celie couldn't care less.
  • Shug Crushes on One of Her Band Members

    Shug Crushes on One of Her Band Members
    a boy of 19 who plays the flute, named Germaine and she begs Celie not to be mad and runs off with him for what she says will be six months at most. Celie is heartbroken.
  • Celie Gets A Letter

    Celie Gets A Letter
    saying that the ship Nettie and the others were on was sunk by German mines and they're sure that all of them drowned as a result.
  • Celie begins to Wonder if Shug Ever Loved Her

    Celie begins to Wonder if Shug Ever Loved Her
    and why she did, if so. She starts talking with Mr. more and more as he tries to become a better person. He cleans the house, cooks, cleans, and orders shells that he loves to collect. He's finally wisened up to the people and world around him.
  • Tashi and Adam get Married

    Tashi and Adam get Married
    and they all get ready to go back home to America.
  • Reunited!

    Shug has come back and is with Celie again and they're all down at Sophia, Harpo's and Mr.'s respective houses when Nettie, Samuel, Adam, and Olivia come down the driveway and they all see each other for the first time in years. Finally, everything's just perfect.