Juana de arco

Joan of Arc's life timeline

By Gon710
  • 1328

    Phillip VI of Valois became into the king of France

    Phillip VI of Valois became into the king of France
    Phillip VI of Valois became into the king of France, but Eduard III of England wanted this title too, and this event will be the reason of lots of conflicts.
  • 1337

    Beggining of the One Hundred Years War

    Beggining of the One Hundred Years War
    The One Hundred Years War began when Phillip of Valois conquered Guyena.
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    The One Hundred Years War

    This war was a warlike conflict between England and France because both kingdoms wanted the regions on French Territory.
  • 1340

    England and the Flemish cities became allies

    This union made easier the lose of the French army.
  • 1348

    The black plague spread in all the Iberian Peninsula

    The black plague spread in all the Iberian Peninsula
    This plague killed thousands of people around all Europe.
  • 1350

    Phillip VI of Valois died

    Phillip VI of Valois died
    His son, John "the good", was the king when his father died.
  • 1356

    Battle of Poitiers

    Battle of Poitiers
    The prince of Wales won the battle and the French king was captured.
  • 1360

    Peace of Brétigny

    Peace of Brétigny
    Eduard III of England said that he doesn't want the control of France if the French king recognise his power in the southwest of French.
  • 1369

    Charles V "the wise" restarted the war

    Charles V "the wise" restarted the war
  • 1402

    The monastery of Yuste was founded

    The monastery of Yuste was founded
  • 1412

    Joan of Arc had born

    Joan of Arc had born
  • 1415

    Battle of Azincourt

    Battle of Azincourt
    The French army lost and the English army could conquer Normandy and Paris.
  • 1425

    Joan began to listen divine voices

    Joan began to listen divine voices
    She was playing in the garden of her house and she listened some voices. This voices came from the church, and when she was near, she could see an iluminated zone. The voices came from this zone. It was the God's voice. Then, she heared st. Michael's voice, st. Catherine's voice and st. Margaret's voices. First, this voices said that she must to be a good person, but then they began to told her that she must to free Orleans, because the England army was besieging the city.
  • 1428

    Joan tried to become into a knight to save Orleans

    Joan tried to talk with Charles VII, the new French governor, so, first, she tried to talk with Robert Baudricourt, but he thought that she was crazy and she said to the knights that they must to hit her and give her to her mother.
  • 1429

    Joan tried to be a knight again

    Joan tried to talk again with Robert Baudricourt and he decided to take her to Chinon like a "price" because of her obstinacy, because Charles was here, so they began the travel to Chinon.
  • 1429

    Joan arrived Chinon and she talked with Charles

    When she arrived Chinon, Charles decided to permit that Joan talk with him. When she told him her story, Charles knew that all of the things that she said was truth because she told him a very secret information that only he knew.
  • 1429

    Joan went to Orleans

    Joan went to Orleans
    Joan went to Orleans running 4000 knights, and the English cities lost the control and the French army made bigger his power. When she arrived Orleans, the city was in a very bad condition.
  • 1429

    Joan arrived st. Catherine of Fierbais and she found the Charles Martel's sword

    Joan arrived st. Catherine of Fierbais and she found the Charles Martel's sword
    The leyend says that she stopped in st. Catherine of Fierbais to go to the mass. When she arrived the church, the people gave her a sword, but she said that she wanted the sword behind the altar, and the people found there a sword. This sword was the Charles Martel's sword.
  • Jun 18, 1429

    Joan got to save Orleans.

    Joan got to save Orleans.
    Joan began a suicide plan to win the battle: she went alone to fight with the enemies, and she destroyed the defenses, so the French army could attack easily. All the forts around the city fell down because of the French army attack.
  • Jul 17, 1429

    Charles VII is crowned as king of France.

    Charles VII is crowned as king of France.
    Charles VII was crowned as king of France in the Cathedral of Reims.
  • Aug 12, 1429

    The French army began the attack to Paris.

    Joan tried to conquer Paris, but, even if the near villages was beatten, the French knights was beatten too, and Joan lost the control of her army because Charles VII began to have all the power.
  • May 24, 1430

    Joan of Arc was captured

    Joan of Arc was captured
    The French army lost the battle in Paris and the duke of Luxembourg captured Joan of Arc. Then, he gave her to the English knights, and they toke her to a court. Here, she was daclared guilty because the voices that she heard was Satan's voices. The cout ordered that she was killed.
  • 1431

    Battle of La Higueruela

    Battle of La Higueruela
    This battle was a warlike conflict between Catholics and Muslims as a part of the Reconquest. During this battle, both armys destroyed all the territory, and only was left a fig. That generated the name of the battle. The Catholic army won this battle.
  • May 30, 1431

    Joan of Arc was executed

    Joan of Arc was executed
    Before she was declared guilty, she was sentenced to die, but she said that all that she heard was Santan's voices, and the court sentenced her only to perpetual prision. Then, she said again that the voices that she heard was God's voices again, and the court returned to say that she mus to die. Finally, she was burnt on 30th of May of 1431.
  • 1435

    End of the Anglo-Burgundian alliance

    End of the Anglo-Burgundian alliance
    This alliance ended because of Arras Treaty.
  • 1437

    Carlos VII recovered Paris

  • 1449

    France recovered Normandy and Guyena

  • 1453

    End of the One Hundred Years War

    End of the One Hundred Years War
    This war finished after 116 years of battles. The end of this war was the loss of the English army.
  • 1456

    Joan is declared innocent

    Joan is declared innocent
    The Spanish pope Calixto III declared Joan of Arc innocent, and she sentenced the executor of Joan.
  • 1478

    The Inquisition was founded

    The Inquisition was founded
    This institution was funded for look for and investigate bad Catholics; then, they judged them and, usually, they killed them. This institution was founded for defend the Catholic faith too, but, normaly, it invented lots of lies about the Jewish for put the people against them.
  • Jan 2, 1492

    Grenada lost the War of Grenada and the Reconquest finished

    Grenada lost the War of Grenada and the Reconquest finished
    Boabdil of Grenada gave to the Catholic Kings the keys of the city when they signed a treaty. With this treaty, Boabdil gave the keys of the city to the Catholic Kings and they permitted that the Moslem could live in their kingdoms.
  • Mar 31, 1492

    The Catholic Kings expulsed the Jewish

    The Catholic Kings expulsed the Jewish
    The Catholic Kings expulsed the Jewish with a decree. They gave the Jewish until July for scape of Spain. With this action they wanted to defend the Catholic religion.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Cristobal Colon discovered America

    Cristobal Colon discovered America
    Colon discovered America after a long time crossing the ocean. This travel was payed by the Catholic Kings. Firs, Colon thought that this new continent was the Indias.
  • Joan was beatifyed

    She was beatifyed by the pope Pio X
  • Joan of Arc was declared patron saint of France

    The pope Benedict declared her patron saint of France.