making of a nation

  • Captin James Cook clames the whole east cost of Australia

    Captin James Cook clamied the whole east cost of Australia claming it for britian naming it 'New South Whales'
  • First Australian born to sail to Europe

    Bennelong accompanied Governer Phillip on his sail home to Europe.
  • Matthew Flinders imprisoned in Mauritius

    in 1803 he sailed for England but his ship was wrecked at an uncharted reef and he returned to Australia in the ship's cutter. On his homeward journey, Flinders was imprisoned by the French for almost seven years in Mauritius as a spy. When he was released in 1810, he returned to England and wrote a book A Voyage to Terras Australis which was published in 1814. On the same day it was published, he died.
  • Hobart Town is established in Van Diemens Land which is now known as Tasmania.

    Hobart was formed when Lt-Governer Collins moved the main southern settlement from risdon to Sullivans Cove
  • crossing of the Blue Mountain

    Gregory Blaxland, William Charles Wentworth, and Lieutenant Lawson, along with four servants, four pack horses and five dogs, set off on an exploration which was to create history.
  • gold was offical discoverd in Australia

    Gold was first offical discoverd in Australia by assistant surveyor James McBrien, at Fish River, between Rydal and Bathurst (in New South Wales).
  • Founding of South Australia

    South Australia proclaimed by Governor John Hindmarsh at the Old Gum Tree, Glenelg.
  • University of Sydney

    it was founded in 1850 and is the oldest University in Australia and the Oceania.
  • University of Melbourne

    The University of Melbourne was establised by hugh childers, classes started in 1855
  • britain extended self rule to colonies

    New South Wales was used as a penal settelment where british convicts would go so there could be more room in Britians prison's
  • Male Sufferage granted

    In 1856, South Australia extended the vote to male residents aged 21 years and over. Two years later, Victoria followed their lead, with the remaining colonies following suit.
  • University of Adelaide

    The universities first degree offered was a bachelor of arts and the university started teaching in march 1876. the university has a long history of championing the rights of women in higher education. it is the third oldest university in Australia.
  • Black Wednesday

    Premier graham berry dissmised public servents, starting with police and judges, in response to the upper house blockng his Appropriations Bill.
  • The hanging of Ned Kelly

    Kelly was hang at the Melbourne Gaol on the 11 of November 1880.
  • australia cricket team defeats england and the ashes are

    Australia beat England in cricket, ashes are born
  • The Great Strikes

    The strike started due to workers being payed more then was ment. They were given 24 hours notice to pay back the extra money they had recived.
  • University of Tasmaina

    University of Tasmaina was officialy founded on the first of january 1890.
  • women granted the right to vote

    Women of South Australia were the first women of Australia to be allowed to vote.
  • WA becomes the last colony to accept federation

    WA constisted of only small colonies and thought that they would be over powered by bigger colonies like NSW and VIC
  • federation

    The six states came together under one goverment.