Major events

  • Rock and Roll

    Rock and Roll
    Rock and Roll cme out and had everyone dancing. Poeple find it hard to believe that there use to be no rock and roll at all. This music revolutionized musical taste. Rock and Roll came from Rhythm and Blues. For Rock and Roll a piano or saxaphone was usually the lead instrument, but in the middel of the 1950's they were replaced with the guitar. Rock and Roll influenes lifestyle, fashion, and attitudes. It's a huge part of everyones life.
  • DisneyLand

    The first day it opened only invted guest were allowed. 6,000 people were invited for the first day of the opening. The next day it opened to people who had enough money to come in. It cost 17 million dollars to build the orginal parts. On July 1st 1954 the contruction began. It was built in one year. The entrance fee was only one dollar.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa worked at Montgomery Fair app. Store. One day after work she got on the Cleveland Ave. Bus. After she got on they stopped again and white people were getting on. Rosa looked to see if there were anough seats for the whites to get on. She saw that there were plenty of seat for them when another white passenger told her to get up and move. Because whites got to sit in the front,and that is where Rosa was. She refused to get up and said that they had seats in the back where they could sit.
  • GI Bill

    GI Bill
    Everywhere you looked there was a Veteran. Tons of people joind the war and the government thought they needed a reward. They came up with the idea that a bill would offer scholar ships for every person who served for their country. It also offered a year with uneployment, the person would recive money throught this year. It also provided home lones for the people who served. Another thing the bill did was increase the number of people who graduated college.
  • Federal Highway Act

    Federal Highway Act
    This act started the toll network. It made the largest construction project in U.S history. The project was to make 41,000 miles of interstate highways. It cost thenty-five billion dollars. It immediately imployed thousadns of workers. Eisenhower was the one who debated for highways. To presuade the government to put them in he talked about the US army. He said the troop would need better and safer roads to transport on. The highways would be for National defense he said.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    JFK was introduced to a plan to overthrow Castro. They would have Cuban exiles trained for an invasion on their own homeland. The whole idea of the plan was to overthrow Castro and make a non-communist government that was friendly to the US. The Bay of Bigs was the destination. It was a swapy area on the coast of Cuba. This is where the US would land to help hide our involvement. The whole thing had a lasting impact on Kennedy.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis,

    Cuban Missile Crisis,
    Cuba had nucular missiles and was aming them at the United States. JFK surrounded Cuba with ships and threatened to push the button and send nucluear bombs. This could of possibly caused the end of the worlsd. He was so close to doing it. The Cubans had come right up to the line, but when they saw the ships and heard the threat they stood down and went back home.
  • Kennedy assassination

    Kennedy assassination
    On November 22 1963 the death of JFK. he was killed while he was riding on a motorcade in Dallas Texas. He was making apearinces for his reelection. The peopel who protected him wanted him to be in a car that he would be safe in in case of assassination, but he said no he wanted the people to see him so he could wave. When they pulled around the corner a guy waas recording them and what he got on camera was Kennedy's assassination. When he was shot part of his brain had been blwon off.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    JFK put the civil righrts act in to place. The civil rights is a act that banned employment discrimination on basis of race, color, religion,sex, or national origin and stopped segregation in public places. This act was signed into law by JFK's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. This act also extended and brought equalty to African Americans.
  • Man on the Moon

    Man on the Moon
    Russia was the first country to be in space. The U.S was mad about it so we decided we were going to be the first people on the moon. The space craft was called Apollo 11 and it took off at Kennedy space center. The event was televised. Neil Armstrong landed on the moon July 20 and his words were "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
  • Sears Tower

    Sears Tower
    its a tower in Chicago. the begain to build it in 1970 and compleated in 1973. this tower is used for local busnessis to be stationed in the cost 150million dollars. its 1454 feet. This buliding weighs 440 million pounds and its is made to fight against the wind, seeing how it is in the Windy City. It reduces the wind forces on the building.
  • test tube baby

    test tube baby
    the first test tube baby was bornin great britten. the babys name is Louis Joy Brown. lots of people want children. but when they try, they relize they are not able to produce. around twenty percent of women find out they can have children and have no hoppe of becoming pregnate.So Drs.Steptoe and Edwards discovered a way to make babys outside a females body.
  • Jonestown Massacre

    Jonestown Massacre
    Before 9/11 came this massacre was the most non-natural disaster in US history. 918 people were killed. Jonestwon held people captaive and made them work for 11 hours a day. Congressman Ryan had heard things about Jonestown, so to make sure eberything was okay he went their himself. When he got there he didn't notice anything but then he got handed a list of names that wanted to leave, he then noticed people were being help captaive. He got attacked trying to leave and suicide happened.
  • 3 Mile Island

    3 Mile Island
    the three mile island was a nuclear meltdown, it happend on a Wednesday at 4 am. it all begain in a non nuclear in the secandary system. large amounts of nuclear coolent excapt. 45 gallons of radioactive water waste went directly in the susquehana river. People were scared of this being a cancer causer. later they found out that it had no chances of causeing cancer.
  • Iran Hostage

    Iran Hostage
    A group of young Islamic mobs overtook the US embassy in Tehran and sixty US citizens hostage. This happend right Ronald Regan took Oath. President Carter knew about the Islamic groups wanting to overtake the embassy, but he just ignored it. this had more press in the event since wwII.they held them hostange becouse they felt like we stoll biillons of dollars from the iran people.
  • Black Monday

    Black Monday
    Black Moday is when all the stock Markets Crashed. The Markets crashed through out the world. all starting with Hong Kong. then shortly lead to the western part of Eroupe. then the United States. they say the stock market crashed because of program traders. a congeresman was told about this happinging but blew it off.
  • Lennon Killed

    Lennon Killed
    John Lennon was a musican. he ws in a eroupen band called the beatles. the beatles was one of the greatest bands there ever were. it was shocking death when the problic found out the he died. john died after being murdered by Mark David Chapman,
  • Bombing in Beirut

    Bombing in Beirut
    The Bombing in Beirut happend with the Lebanesee civil war. two trucks were set up with a bomb in them and was told to run into two buldings, that had the United States and Freanch Military bases on them, they say this attack was coused by Lebanesse Muslims.
  • Tiananmen Square

    Tiananmen Square
    Tiananmen Square was a Protest in Beijing. this Protest started because the Chines had enforced a new law. this was a student lead protest after Hu Yaobang. the students wanted a democarcy. the students marched around there campus and soonlyy around the Tiananmen Square
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    the Berlin Wall was made by German Democratic Republic. this was included towers placed on big concrete walls. the border between east and west Germany. the wall was to provent immagration. the wall was destored in 1990.
  • Waco

    Waco was about a religios group called Branch Davidians. They were located about nine miles away from Waco. The group was suspected of weapon violations. Because of the suspection an arrest warrent was obtained. It all began when the ATF raid the ranch. It caused a gun battel and ended with deaths. FBI brought an attack upon the group and a fire ended up in the attack. A total of seventy-six men, women, and children were all killed.
  • , OJ Simpson

    , OJ Simpson
    , OJ Simpson was put on trial, because he killed his ex wife and her friend. this case was the most publicized in the crimnal trial in American history. the tiral lasted over 8 months.
  • Oklahoma City bombing

    Oklahoma City bombing
    The Oklahome City bombing was a terriost attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. It was the most destructive terriosy attacks till 9/11. It caused 168 people to die. Nineteen of them being six years old and younger. It injured more than 680 people.It destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a sixteen block radius. It caused around 652 million dollars worth of damage.
  • Unabomber

    Ted Kaczynski is known as the Unabomber. He's knonw by this name because he mailed bombs to universitites and arilines. He ended up killing three people and imjured a total of twenty-three people. He was arrested in 1996. He was sending these bombs for tewnty years before being caught. Ted sent a threat to famous newsletters telling them to publish his writting or he's send more bombs out. His brohter noticed his way of writing and told the authorites about his suspition. He then go assersted
  • Clone Sheep

    Clone Sheep
    The first cloned sheep was named Dolly. She was a sheep and the first mammal to be cloned. She was cloned from an adult somatic cell. To do the cloning process they did nuclear transfer. She lived all the way up to age six. The cause of death was lung disease. To create Dolly they took a mammal glad cell. They did this to prove that you could make a whole idividual from a cell from a specific part of a body.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a unexpected terrorist attack. the guy behind this tragic event goes by the name of osama bin laden. He sent two men to fly a plain and hit the twin towers, he also sent a man to high jack a plaine and send it to the pentagon. but one of the passengrs stoped it and crashed landed it, before it could reach the destination. making it land in pensivanna.
  • Coal Miners

    Coal Miners
    On Aug 7th there werre six coal miners that got trapped in coal mine near Emery County, Utah. The Coal minerrs were down there for ten days. 3 rescuers tried to go down there and help them but they were killed by a tonel collaps. the 6 coal miners died and no bodys were found,
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    A 7.0 earthquake hit near the town called Léogâne. about 16 mile west of Hati's capital city. Haiti had after shocks that were at lest a 4.5. this was a devistaion to Haiti. many of them lost there home and were left on the streets. over 220,000 people died in between the first earthquake and its aftershocks,
  • Massacre at Theatre

     Massacre at Theatre
    a gunman named James Holms shot and killed 12 people and wounded 58 people during the premeir of the newest batman movie called Batman The Dark Knight Rises. this tradgety took place in a small town in denvor called AURORA. this mascure tramitzed many of people frightend that this might happen to them,
  • Sandy hook

    Sandy hook
    on Dec14th Adam Lanza walked right throught Sandy Hook Elemantry and shot 20 students. before Adam Lanza drove to school he shot and killed his mother, this was the second most deadly massucre by a single person. before first reponders came to school Adam Lanza had shot and killed himself