Images 7

Mahatma Gandhi's Life

  • Gandhi's Birth

    Gandhi's Birth
    Born to Putilbai and Karamchand Ghandh on the coast of Kathiawadi in October. His parents had no idea that there baby would be so special and important.
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    Birth To Death

    Gandhi's Birthday to death date. He was 78 years old when he died.
  • Marriage

    Gandhi had and arranged marriage and got married when he was 13 and his wife (Kasturbia) when she was 14. Despite the marriage being arranged he loved her and respected her.
  • To London

    To London
    Gandhi goes to London to study school. He goes to be a laywer but in June 1891 he gets to nervous and takes other jobs. When he got home a sad suprise was waiting for him., his mother had died.
  • The Beggining

    The Beggining
    Gandhi travels to South Africa for buisness. He finds all the punishment and cruelty in action aganisted being colored. He can not ride first class in his train and then later in May 1896 he writes a book about it call "The Green Pamphlet."
  • The Refusal

    The Refusal
    Ghandi and his family need to go to South Africa. So they board a ship and when it gets to South Africa a mob of white men won't let him or his family off the ship. A police officer ends up helping him and asking ig Gandhi wants to press charges but he refuses.
  • Arrests

    Gandhi was arrested 13 time thoughout his life, This was the first time.
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    First Arrest

    This was his first arrest.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Ganhi started the salt march and walked a few miles.
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    Salt March

    This was the time it wook to walk 78 miles on the salt march.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    The Salt March ended when he walk to the ocean and broke a clump of salt into a bag. He was now in prison.
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    Last Time In Prison

    Gandhi was arrested for the last time and was relased at 8 a.m.
  • Birth Of First Child

    Birth Of First Child
    Gandhi had his first son. Rajiv Gandhi.
  • Death

    Gandhi died on this date. He was leading a prayer and was murdered. He was shot. His last breaths were "Oh God."