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Mahatma Gandhi

  • When he was born

    When he was born
    Gandhi was born in 1869.
  • When Gandhi got married

    When Gandhi got married
    Gandhi got married when he was 13 years old. His wife was 14 years old.
  • When he had his first kid

    When he had his first kid
    He had his first kid at 16. His baby survived only a few days.
  • Gandhi enters law school

    Gandhi enters law school
    He attends University College London to study Indian law. While there he joins the Vegetarian Society.
  • Gandhi against the Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act

    Gandhi against the Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act
    Gandhi wants the Indians to peacefully resist the Registration Act. They agree and this starts seven years of protests between Indians and government.
  • Gandhi is given the title Mahatma

    Gandhi is given the title Mahatma
    An Indian poet referred to Gandhi as Mahatma for the first time. It means “Great Soul”.
  • Gandhi raises to power

    Gandhi raises to power
    He improved the station of the lower classes. He quickly became a leader within the Indian national congress
  • Gandhi leads the Salt March

    Gandhi leads the Salt March
    Gandhi led tens of thousands of people by the time they reached the sea. They defied the law of making their own salt
  • Gandhi had his fast

    Gandhi had his fast
    Gandhi did a 21 day fast because an angry mob broke into his house. He said he would end when sanity returned to Calcutta.
  • When he died

    When he died
    He was assassinated. Nathuram godes