

  • The Anschluss

    The Anschluss
    The Anschluss is basically Hitler gathering his supplies and army called the "third reich", after that he threatens to invade Austria is Nazi members weren't in high positions. And so the Chancellor of Austria did so, in fear of Hitler. Hitler desires power from the weaker countries.
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    The Munich Conference was held for Hitler's next plan to capture Sudentenland, which consists of germans. Czechs resisted but to evade war Britain's prime minister offered Sudentenland if he didnt take the rest of Czechoslovakia. Hitler needs more land for more battle grounds.
  • The Nazi Soviet Pact

    The Nazi Soviet Pact
    Hitler's next move is to take over Poland, but he negotiated with the Soviets to keep from war. Germany and USSR signed The Soviet Pact ; USSR out of war whilst Germany went to war against Britain and france for Polish lands. Hitler needed more German soldiers and land as well.
  • Danzig and the Polish Corridor

    Danzig and the Polish Corridor
    Now Hitler wants Danzig. He wanted a highway and railroad across Poland connecting Germany, Danzig and East Prussia. Britain and France knew and backed up Poland if Hitler tried to attack. Again Hitler wants land but now for transportation.
  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    Germany invades Poland, which pops things off. Two days later, France and Britain of course declared war on Germany to back up Poland. Hitler is persistent and won't take no for an answer.