LOTF-Amponsah & Montgomery

  • Ralph meets Piggy- Page 11

    Ralph meets Piggy- Page 11
    When Ralph met Piggy and found out his name Ralph laughed histarically. Piggy was shy, heavy set, and wore glasses. Piggy was embarresed.
  • Finding the conch shell- Page 15

    Finding the conch shell- Page 15
    Ralph saw what he thought was a stone, but Piggy pointed out that is was a shell. Piggy suggested to Ralph that they could blow on the conch, in order to call all of the boys to a meeting.
  • The vote for the cheif- Page 22

    The vote for the cheif- Page 22
    Ralph said that he thought they should have a cheif. Then Roger said that he thinks they should vote for a cheif. Ralph was decided cheif and Jack was mortified.
  • The rules about the Conch shell Page 33

    The rules about the Conch shell Page 33
    Whoever wants to speak has to be holding the conch shell and everyone must silently listen until it is there turn.
  • Set the fire with glasses Page 40

    Set the fire with glasses Page 40
    They used piggy’s glasses to focus the sunlight and set the wood on fire.
  • Boy dies from big fire Page 46

    Boy dies from big fire Page 46
    There was a big fire when they were making the fire to get rescued. The little boy who said he saw a beastie got killed by the big fire.