
Looking to the STAAR-January

  • What is Revising and Editing?

    What is Revising and Editing?
    Week Jan. 2nd-Jan 6th
    Students will learn how to revise and edit. They will know the difference between revising and editing as well. Much of this will be completed in the STAAR format.
  • PreAssessment-Revising and Editing

    PreAssessment-Revising and Editing
    Student will complete the Revising and Editing preassessment from the Write Source.
  • Review Narrative and Expository

    Review Narrative and Expository
    Students will review Narrative and Expository writing.
  • MAP Testing-Reading

    MAP Testing-Reading
    Students will begin MAP testing-Reading
    Stein/Jurovic Tuesday, Jan. 10th
    Ellis/Fianu Wed, Jan. 11th
    Vanderplas Thursday, Jan. 12th
  • Edit Assessment 1

    Edit Assessment 1
    Students will completing the Editing assessment 1 from the Write Souce.
  • The STAAR Format

    The STAAR Format
    Students will review the STAAR format and expectations.
  • MAP Testing-Math

    MAP Testing-Math
    MAP Testing-Math
    Stein/Jurovic-Tuesday, Jan. 17th
    Ellis/Fianu Wed, Jan. 18th
    Vanderplas Thursday, Jan. 19th
  • Revising Assessment

    Revising Assessment
    Students will complete the Revising assessment from the Write Source
  • MAP Testing-Science

    MAP Testing-Science
    MAP Testing-Science
    Stein/Jurovic Monday, Jan. 23rd
    Vanderplas/Ellis/Fianu, Friday, Jan. 24th

    Students will complete the MOCK STAAR in writing.
    Day 1-Wed., Jan 25th
    Day 2-Thurs., Jan 26th
  • Write Review

    Write Review
    Students will write a narrative or an expository paper.
    Jan. 30-Feb. 3rd
    Narrative: Write a story about what happened to you on your vacation or trip.
    Expository: Write about an outdoor activity that you enjoy. Why is it fun for you?
  • MAP Testing

    MAP Testing
    MAP Testing-Language Usage
    Stein/Jurovic Monday, Jan. 30th
    Vanderplas Tuesday, Jan. 31st
    Ellis/Fianu Wednesday, Feb. 1st