
Lithuanian Disparity

  • Feb 14, 1009


    The wonderful and prosperously world famous country of Lithuania is founded.
  • Independence

    Lithuania declares itself a independant nation.
  • Loss of Independence

    Loss of Independence
    The Soviet Union takes over Lithuania and brings the small country into part of itself.
  • Re-Independence

    With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Lithuania seizes a chance to break away and becomes once again independent.
  • Equality

    With the nation re-established, laws are put in place that make the country much like those of Scandinavia; old people are taken care of, pregnant women are supported, and everyone gets a job.
  • Economic Crash

    Economic Crash
    With the Soviet Union having just let go of the country, Lithuania's economy is extremely weak and many people live in poverty.Bad economy leads to high levels of crime, which leads to large social disparities. Things are slowly getting better, but are much the same to this day.
  • Joining the European Union

    Joining the European Union
    When Lithuania joined the EU, steps were taken to boost the economy and help people living there. These steps improved the country's legal, tax, and customs systems. This helped equalize sociality in the country.