Lifespan Development

  • Period: 2015 BCE to 2015 BCE


    One month to a year
  • Neonates- Birth to one month

  • At birth the pulse rate is 90 to 180 beats/minute

  • At birth respiratory rate is 30 to 60 beats/min

  • 2 Months

    Infants of two months should be able to recognize familiar faces and track objects with eyes.
  • 3 Months

    Infants should have the ability to put objects to the mouth; they should also be able to smile and frown.
  • 4 Months

    Infants should be able to reach out to people and drool.
  • 5 Months

    Infants should sleep though the night and have the ability to recognize family members vs strangers.
  • 6 Months

    At this age students should begin to teeth, sit upright, and speak one-syllable words.
  • 7 Months

    Infants at this time will be afraid of strangers and have mood swings.
  • 8 Months

    Infants respond to no and can sit alone; they also play peek-a-boo.
  • 9 Months

    Infants can pull up to stand and can play objects in mouth to explore them.
  • 10 Months

    Infants will respond to their name and crawl.
  • 11 Months

    Infants vegin to walk without help and get frustrated with restrictions.
  • 12 Months

    Infants know there names and can walk efficiently.
  • Toddlers: One to Three Years

    -The average body temp is 96 degrees to 99.6 degrees
    -Pulse Rate is 90 to 150 beats/min
    -Respiratory Rate is 20 to 30 breaths/min
  • Pre-Schoolers: Three to Six years old

    -Pulse Rate is 80 to 140 beats/min
    -Blood Pressure is 80 to 100 Hg
  • School-Age Children: 6 to 12 Years

    -Pulse Rate is 70 to 120 beats/min
    -Respiratory rate is 15 to 20 breaths/min
    -Blood Pressure is 80 to 100 mm Hg
  • Early Adults: 19 to 40 Years

    -Pulse rate is 70 beats/min
    -Respiratory rate is 12 to 20 breaths/min
    -Systolic Blood Pressure 90 to 140 mm Hg
  • Middle Adults: 41 to 60 Years

    -Pulse Rate 12 to 20 breaths/min
    -Blood Pressure 9- to 140 m Hg
  • Older Adults: 61 Years and Older

    The leading cause of death for over 65 is heart disease.