Life (and death) of Leon Trotsky

  • Birth of Trotsky

    Leon Trotsky is born
  • Becoming a Democrat

    At age 17, Trotsky becomes interested in Marxism and joins the Social Democrats.
  • Go to Jail!

    At age 19, Leon is arrested for helping organize a worker's union.
  • Doing hard time.

    Trotsky is imprisoned in Siberia for two years and then sentenced exile for four years because of doing illegal underground work for the Democrats.
  • Meeting Lenin!

    When in Siberia, Trotsky escapes and meets Lenin, a supporter of the Democrats, in England.
  • Labor Party at the Democrats!

    Leon joins the Second Congress of the Social Democratic Labor Party.
  • Side o' Lenin

    The Second Congress of the Social Democratic Labor Party splits and Leon sides with Lenin.
  • Vote for Chairman!

    Trosky returns to Russia, his homeland, from England and is elected chairman of the St .Petersburg Soviet.
  • Social Viva Revolution!

    Because Leon was active in the revolution he is sent back to Siberia for exile. There, Trotsky writes a pemanent Socialist Revolution, explaining that a revolution in Russia would be followed by many similar revolutions, but in different countries. That would later be an important goal in the Communist party.
  • Escape!

    When Trotsky is in exile for participating in the 1905 revolution he escapes, again.
  • Vote Military Chairman!

    October 1907, Leon becomes the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Commitee.
  • Finding Lenin!

    July 1917, Lenin goes into hiding
  • Red on White!

    Trotsky recruits and trains five million troops, Red Guards, and is victorious over the Whites in Russia's Civil War.
  • Getting the boot!

    Trotsky's political career in the Communist Party is followed by getting kicked out.
  • Finding Trotsky

    After being kicked out of the Communist Party he is sent into exile...again.
  • You're out!

    Trotsky and his family are deported from Russia and eventually settle down in Mexico.
  • Unrelated title (Leon dies)

    At age 61, Leon Trotsky is brutally murdered in his Mexican home by Stalin's assasins.