Life and Culture

  • Women

    nearly two million women and girls, or one in every eight females over the age of 10, worked outside the home
  • Circus train

    Circus train
    it was the introduction of the circus train in 1872 that made the annual visit of the circus an anticipated event all over America.
  • Jim Crow

    Jim Crow
    states began using several tactics to deny the vote to black
  • Women's Club

    Women's Club
    Women clubs join toghether to form influential organization. These groups took on increasingly ambitious projects, including suffrage and the reform of political abuses
  • Education

    31 states had laws requiring children between the ages of 8 and 14 to attend school
  • Electronics

    The first "foolproof" vaccum cleaner is invented in England
  • Great Train Robbery

    Great Train Robbery
    The huge success of this movie signals the beginning of the silent movie era.

    The national Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded to fight for civil rights