
  • Period: Oct 15, 632 to Oct 15, 634

    Abu Bakr

    He replaced Muhammad as prayer leader when he was suffering from illness. He was Muhammad’s first successor.
  • Feb 14, 1483


    Beacame ruler at the age of 12. He fault in many battles against his enimies. when he moved to india.
  • Period: Oct 15, 1532 to Oct 15, 1533


    Emperor of the Inca Emperor
  • Catherine the great

    the longest female ruler in russia.
  • Napolean Bonaparte

    a french military leader and emperor who conquered much of europe in the early 19th century.
  • Otto Von Bismark

    began the series of wars that would establish prussian power in Europe.
  • Osama BIn LAden

    joined the afghanistan resistance.
  • Fidel Castro

    Feb. 13, 1959 Castro was named prime minister. 1976, Castro becomes president, Castro turns Cuba into a communist state.
  • Period: to

    Alfred the great

    Alfred the great was in the civil war and the battle of Edington. one book that was written is the "Octave et le Cachalot" one legacy of Alfred the great is that he improved a number of things in Angllo-saxon England.