Hitler depicted as savior to germany

Lay_WWII_Hitler Expands

  • The Anschluss

    The Anschluss
    Hitler's plan to unite all German speaking people under one empire. Hitler planned to do this in order to gain more supplies, resources and more troops. Also this was a way to "flex" his muscles.
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    Hitler's continual efforts to unite German speaking people in Czech, Wanted to invade but France and Russia protected Czech. British Prime Minister held conference in order to perserve peace, give Hitler Sudetenland to compromise for peace. Hitler invades anyways. Hitler probably did this to again text his strengths, and to figure out other European countries' objective.
  • Danzig and the Polish Corridor

    Danzig and the Polish Corridor
    Hitler wanted Danzig but it was on the otherside of Poland. He wanted to build a highway through Poland in order to connect Danzig to Germany. Hitler tried to do this in order to transfer troops and goods between Danzig and Germany quicker.
  • The Nazi-Soviet pact

    The Nazi-Soviet pact
    A pact between Germany and the USSR, negotiate peace between two nations for Poland. Hitler's motivation for this pact was most likely to make less enemies, and to ensure he didn't have more problems to deal with.
  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    Germany decides to invade Poland. Britain and France declares war on Germany after Hitler refuses to abort his invasion.
    Hitler thought that since Germany and Russia had signed a peace act between each other that he could take Poland quickly and would be able to defeat Britain and France since they're also in the slums.