
Khmer Empire Timeline

  • 500

    Trading occurs

    Trading occurs
    Evidence of trading between the Khmer people and the indian people
  • Period: 500 to

    Khmer Empire

  • 550

    Chenla replaces Funan

    Chenla replaces Funan
    State of Chenla replaces Funan as the dominent kingdom.
  • Nov 26, 770

    770-834 Jayavarman II unifies states

    770-834 Jayavarman II unifies states
    Jyavarman II unifies smaller states to create one large empire, The capital is in the Angkor region of Cambodia.
  • Aug 29, 1177

    The invasion

    The invasion
    Cham Kingdom invades much of Khmer Emires eastern territory.
  • Nov 28, 1181

    Jayavarman VII deafeats the Chams

    Jayavarman VII deafeats the Chams
    1181-1219, Jayavarman VII deafeats the Chams and exapands the empire to its furthest extent.
  • Nov 28, 1243

    Rule of Jayavarman the VIII

    Rule of Jayavarman the VIII
    1243-98, Jaavarman VIII renounces Buddhism and Buddhist temples must be destroyed as Hinduism will become the main religion.
  • Nov 28, 1300

    Buddhism come back

    Buddhism come back
    Buddhism comes back and becomes the main religion of the Khmer kings.
  • Nov 28, 1431

    Thai army attacks Angkor

    Thai army attacks Angkor
  • Vietnamese attack

    Vietnamese attack
    Vietnamese armies attack the Khmer repeatedly and defeat the Khmer.
  • Jayavarman II is Enthroned

    Jayavarman II is Enthroned
    Jayavrman II enthroned as a devaraja (god-king).
  • Khmer Empire grows

    Khmer Empire grows
    834-1175 Ther Khmer Empire grows and Angkor Wat is finished being built. Buddhism becomes important to the Khmer people.