Khmer empire title

Khmer Empire Timeline

  • 500

    Trade begin between the Indians and the Khmers

    Trade begin between the Indians and the Khmers
    Trade begins with indians and it starts interactions with other countries. It was the first ever recorded trade. This trade association makes India have a heavier influence on Khmer than it already did.
  • Period: Mar 10, 770 to

    Jayavarman II unites Cambodia

    Jayavarman does the impossible and unites all the small states and makes Cambodia one big state. Cambodia had never had a true king who was in charge of all of Cambodia. With this act, he was able to become king.
  • Sep 27, 1177

    Chams invade Khmer

    Chams invade Khmer
    The Cham kingdom begin to attack the Khmer empire's eastern territory. This lasts for about a year. The chams eventually lose but the Khmers lose many people.
  • Period: Mar 25, 1181 to Dec 31, 1219

    Khmers defeat Chams

    Chams are defeated which gives the Khmer empire more territory. They gain territory on much of the Cham kingdom. Although it takes many years, the Khmers get more land to populate.
  • Period: Sep 6, 1243 to Jan 27, 1298

    Jayavramn VII begins rule

    Jayvarman VII begins his rule over the Khmer empire. He is one of the many successors of the mighty Jayavarman II. He leads the Khmer empire to many victories.
  • Sep 1, 1431

    Thais attack Khmer

    Thais attack Khmer
    The Thais attack the Khmers at the center of there empire, Angkor Wat. Many Khmers had died during these attacks which forced them to flee there homes.
  • Nov 26, 1432

    Khmers abanbon Angkor Wat

    Khmers abanbon Angkor Wat
    Due to the attacks from the Thais, the Khmers eventually abandon Angkor Wat. The temple- Angkor Wat, is then used for buddism instead for what is was built for.
  • Thais kill Khmer King

    Thais kill Khmer King
    During the heat of the war,the Thai king at the time locates the king of the Khmer empire and kills him in a duel.
  • Jayavarman II becomes king

    Jayavarman II becomes king
    He had become king at a young age, 14. The king at the time, Jayavarman I which was he his uncle, was riding on a horse along a road. The 14 year old ambushed his uncle as killed him.
  • Period: to Nov 16, 1145

    Angkor Wat is built

    The greatest god-like temple is built. It was built so that Jayavarman II was to have a good gateway into the heavens. The temple itself has five pillars and a moat which is 200m wide.