Khmer Empire

  • 500

    Javarvarmen 2 unifies smaller states to create one large empire

    Javarvarmen 2 unifies smaller states to create one large empire
  • Mar 2, 700

    Trades between Khmer and Indians

    Trades between Khmer and Indians
    Evidence of trade between the Khmer and Indian poeple
  • Dec 2, 1000

    Cham invades the esatern territory of the Khmer Empire

    Cham invades the esatern territory of the Khmer Empire
    Cham invades the esatern territory of the Khmer Empire
  • Oct 2, 1100

    Javarvarmen defeats Cham and exanded the Empire

    Javarvarmen defeats Cham and exanded the Empire
    Javarvarmen 7 defeats the Chams and expand the empire to furthest extend to incorporate much of present-days Laos, Thailand and Bruma
  • Jun 5, 1200

    Javarvarmen 8 renounces Buddhism

    Javarvarmen 8 renounces Buddhism
    Rule of Javarvarmen 8. He renounces Buddhism and orders that Buddhist temples and images be destroyed and Hindusim become the main religion.
  • Aug 3, 1300

    Buddhism becomes main reiligon for the Khmer Empire

    Buddhism becomes main reiligon for the Khmer Empire
    Buddhism grows in importance and again becomes the main reiligon of the Khmer Kings.
  • Sep 22, 1400

    khmer empire under attack by the Thai

    khmer empire under attack by the Thai
    Thai army attacks Angkor. Khmers abandon Angkor. Over subsequent centuries, the jungle grows around and over Angkor and its location is forgotten.
  • Mar 30, 1500

    Thai defeats the Khmer king

    Thai defeats the Khmer king
    Siamese (Thai) kings attacks and defeats Khmer king
  • Endless attack from the vietnamese

    Vietnamese armies repeatedly attack Khmer forces in Mekong river delta and defeats the Khmer. The approximate modern borders of Cambodia are determined.
  • Javarvarmen 2 becomes devaraja

    Javarvarmen 2 becomes devaraja
    Jayarvarmen 2 enthroned as a devaraja (god king)