
By jlewis6
  • Reconstruction

    generally refers to the period of reconstructiuon of the us after the civilk war that the us government set the conditions that let the rebelliuos south back into the united stated of america
  • The radicval republics

    were a function of americans politics that promited the cicil war thre it and evern after the reconstruction
  • Freemans Bureau- the us bureu of it was set in place to help poor whited and blacks after the civil war

    Freemans Bureau- the us bureu of it was set in place to help poor whited and blacks after the civil war
  • Black codes

    laws passed by souther states in 1865 and 1866 after the civil war these laws restricted african americans from doing sertain tasks and made them work onlt in the labor economy.
  • Civil rights act 1866

    granbted citizenship and other freedoms top all masled in the united stated
    woman still canot vote
  • 15th amendment

    the 15th amendment granted african americam men the right to vote by saying the united stated government canot denie the right to vote by any man
  • sharcroppers

    sharcropping is a system of agriculture in with a land owner allows the tenent to grow ans sell what ever he or she plweases but the tenent must syill poay rent
  • Ku klux klan

    founded in 1866 was am anti forigher group that had a main purpoes to not let african americans vote
    Got more and more violent with first threatening then beatings then linchings
  • Informant act

    three bills passed by the united states congress between 1870 and 1871 there were criminal codes witch protected aftrican american rights to vote to hold office to serve on juries and recieve equal protection of law
  • Interchangable parts

    invented by elis whitney the idfes tha tpoarts could be manufactured for replacment eli and america
    supported mass production and manufacturing
  • The erie canal A canalopened in 1825 that connected lake erie and the great lakes system to the hudson river james monr

    The erie canal A canalopened in 1825 that connected lake erie and the great lakes system to the hudson river james monre
    Gave the wester states acces to the atlanitc ocean without shipping goods downstream
  • Cotton gin

    a machione invented by eli whitine in 1793 tha dromatically increased cotton production Eli whiting and slaves \because it increased cotton productiuon it helped the economy grow and increased slave
  • American system

    A plan suggested by henry clay anf john adams that was a new form of federalism
    henry vlay
    supported the high tarrif of american industries and gov
    also presented the national bank
  • Henry clay

    a representitive for kentuky in boith the senate and house of representitives qwas the secretart of state of john adams and prommises the american system
  • Monroe Doctorine

    forine polacy passed by james monroe that started the ius was no longer availible for colinization and the estern hemispher needed to stay out
    established the us as a free and parlament countrie
  • Missouri compromise

    an efert by congress to difese the situation in the nation missuro would become a slave state and roade island a free stater to keep the balanc eof free and slave states in amerca
  • Indian removal act

    andrew jackson act that allowed congrees to move the indians fron their land or negitiate with them tro get themn to move more
    land was taken from tghem and they were put on reservations
  • Jacksonian Domocracy

    a great democracy for the common man

    new elections as president
  • Utopian community

    Experimental groups who tried to creat a perfect society communities of all one religiion
  • Dorothea Dix

    An activist on behalf for the mentally insane that potitioned and achieved the first ware of asylums
    this was the first effors ever givin tword the mentally indsame
  • Nat turner

    an african american slave who led a slave rebellion in virginial tha tled to 60 white deaths
    the first major slave rebellion rthat got out of hand
  • William lloyd gamson

    an editor of a paper that was dedicated to the abolishment of slavery
    founded the new english antislavery group
  • Abolition movment

    the effort by both white and black to abolishg slaver in all of america
    Mainly the north
    Added tension to the north abd south problems
  • Seneca falls conventiuon

    the first womans rights convention
    was aLL ABOUTB DISCUSSING THE RIGHTS FOR WOIMAN and whe n it would come
    helped set off the womans rights movment
  • Elisabeth seranton

    and american activist and social activist and a leader for the womans rights movment
    the forefounder of womans rights during the 1800s
  • Manifest Destiney

    the belief that the us would oviously expand to the pacific ocean and mexican territory
    Made the americans feel entitled to the land even thou it was the mexicans
  • Lone star republic

    the short line time period where texas was its own country with a chamber of commerse
  • Treaty of guadulupe

    brought an official end to the mexican american war over land in 1848
    Ended the multie year conflice
  • California gold rush

    a period of time that began when a man found a chunch of gold and led to the largest migrant of 300,000 people to california
    increased the population and boosted the economy for california and rest of country
  • Gadsen purchase

    the purchase of a large amount of land that is now mexico to arizona for 10 million dollars
    the us got more land and continued to expand
  • 14th Amendment

    14th amendment of the constitution was radified on july 9 1868 and granted citizen ship to all born and natoralized in the united stated
    the united states is becoming what it is today
  • Bicameral legislature

    refers to a particular body of governmet that concists to 2 legislatives hoiuses or chambers such as the us congress or brithishg parlament the united stated congress is made up of the hoiuse of representatives and the senate its also made up of the house of commoners
  • Articles of Confederastion

    A type of governmet
    in a set of laws
    one in witch 2 levels of government shared federal powers
  • Northwest ordinance of 1787

    congress provided a pprocedure for driving the land into territories
    there were three basic stages for becoming a state
  • Stavs"s Rebelion

    as the farmers protest came to be called rebellion spread from massachusets
  • Great comprosisse

    offered a 2 house congress of satisft both small and big states
    it waas a major problem solver for the creation of the united states
  • The federalism

    The new system of government was a form of federalismn
  • Populkar soverty

    in the peiople and that choose the government a treterouys of such power must exercise it in conformity with the general will
  • Limited governemt

    its a principle of n glassical liverationd[s free market libertarianism and some tedencs
  • Seperation of powers

    A act of reseting the legislative and executive judicil povels of governmet in the senater
  • wghat are some of the weaknesses

    ther were to weat to enforec their laws and thirefore had no power over the people the continentiaslk congress had borrowed money to fight the reovlutionary war and coulkd not repay their debuts
  • who suppoted adding a bill of rights

    James maddison continued his suport oid jeffersones policies jefferson supported the constitution under the condition that human rights would be protected under sertain amendments
  • How did the national Government under the article of confederation differ from the nationalk governmenmt

    they expressly provided that the states were sovergn the united states as a conferderation was much like present day europe union. each member was able to make thier own laws
  • Intended seruant- Person who worked for employer to pay off passge th the new world British colonists helop populations grow allowing poor to travel free

    Intended seruant- Person who worked for employer to pay off passge th the new world British colonists helop populations grow allowing poor to travel free
  • Middle passage

    part of the trianglar africans sent to new world
    English, african, new colionies
    startede american slavery
  • Mogna carter

    A character of liberites that placed k john and future ruler uder law because barons were going to rebell the king could not take taxes without parlament permission
    KIng john, british Barons 1215
    Symbol of rebellion, foundeing fathers used it as precedent for liberty from england
  • English bill of rights

    act that was passed by parament in 1689 established seperation from pamers limits monarch strengthens freedom of speach free electiobnremoved cruel punishment
    Parlement , english
    influenced constitutiuon
  • nabeus corpus

    Nabeus corpus- court order that requires authorities to bring somone to court to determine why they should jailed. linclon suspended this law to deal with disloyalty
  • Salutory Neglect

    English reduced regulations to keep economiec peace and loyalty with coloniesd
    english colonies
    americans were rebelling
  • mercantilism

    each country can be itself efficiant ans all countries were competing for gols and silver
    Every country
    britishg saw colonies as markets for british gold
  • Great awakwning

    reintroduced religion to colonies more went to christian churcges
    colonies and churches
    challenged brititsh authorities for churches
  • cash crop

    crops grow by farmers tp sell
    boosted economy
    indigo, com rice tobacco had huge impact
  • Describe the economy relationship

    english relied on colonies for supplies omn food and money they controlled all trades but avoided the control over colonies
  • Explain the ideas

    The enlightenment made people question authorities and government lather they began questioning churcghes authoritiies the idea of people and science helped strengthen the views of religion
  • Describe the purpose of navigation acts

    The navigation act was by english because felt threatoned that the colonies could trade with other contries
  • presido

    spanish military bases used by the spainsh in order to taje the kand from natice americans
  • Northwestern passage

    see rought conecting the atlantic and pacific over canada though atlantic
  • Jion stock company

    company whoes stocks are owned by sharholders and funded by growth with tobaco
  • john Smith

    Navigator from britian interacted wioth native americans alot
  • House of Bugesses

    Made i nt eh 1619 by virginia company, 1st represnted body created in america
  • bacons rebellion

    indians are tired of being pushed back by the english fight begind aster imigranbte cross the apilation mountialns
  • puritans

    Puritans -christians who mirgate to america for religous reasons but were not excepted into america
  • Mayflower compact

    1st government document of plymouth colony made to the mayflower by pilgrams to build a governemt by the new world 1670-
  • William Penny the ruler of pennsylvania paecfull quaker open the new culture, religion and races

    William Penny the ruler of pennsylvania paecfull quaker open the new culture, religion and races
  • Explain the roots of the system of slavery

    European settlers turned to afticans for slaves in america european shipsd would haul hundreds of african slaves at once across the atlantic anfd toil in the americas spanish saw the use of african slaves to a solution of labor struggles Slaves became essential tho the american european econ system
  • Mrgate

    Migrate- Move from one origin or habitat to another.
    Asian people began migrating to america across the beringla land brige
    important because they colonized america
  • Adobe

    Migrate- Move from one origin or habitat to another.
    Asian people began migrating to america across the beringla land brige
    important because they colonized america
  • The Renaissance

    The Renaissance- A curtural rebirth
    the renissance led to a more secular spirit, and interestsd in world efferts and new confidence in human acadenics.
    Important because it incuraged people to regard themselves as in dividuals and not as a group
  • Prince Henry the Navigator

    prince henry sent his captians sailing farther and farther south along the west coast of africa
    important because the eplorations funded by henry helped advance the study of Geography and made the leader in navigation
  • Christopher Columbus

    Traveled from nation to nation with his own collection of maps and believed there was a shorter rought to aisia
    Important because he helped explore new parts of the world and proved exploration was important
  • columbas exchange

    glodal transfer of living things/ exchanges between the old and new world
    ships took plants and animals back to europ and to africa brought items from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemispher
    Began the columbas first voyage
  • Conuqistador

    escpcially one of the spanish conuqers of mexico and peru in 16th century
    important because they helped spain and portugal to conuqer new territories, to find gold, and trade roughts
  • Hernan cortes 1st maruqis of the valley of oaxaca was a spanish conuqerewr who led the expedition that caused the fall of the aztecs

    Hernan cortes 1st maruqis of the valley of oaxaca was a spanish conuqerewr who led the expedition that caused the fall of the aztecs
  • Describe the columbian exchange

    Is the global transfer of goods and became columbuses first voyage and continues today ships took plants and animals back to europe abd brounth items fromthe eastern hemispher to the western hemispher
  • Mestizo

    A mixture of spanish/native american ancesters with spanish to americas
  • Describe and compare 4 cultures

    The kwaricti people lived south alaska to morth cali. covered sea shells and hunted in the ocean. described there history on totum polles witch showed thire welth.
    Puelblo build new stttlments and waterways such as rio grande gre corn beans squash melons and biuld underground religouse gatherinfgs
    Iroquois build villages in the fores tand blended agrucultures with hunting and gathering