KBarton K529 Chapter 3 Timeline

  • Education For All Children Act PL 94-142

    This act first included children with emotional disturbances. They used the terminology: Seriously Emotionally Distrubed (SED) Also included the term socially maladjusted to assure schools that they would not be responsible for all the "bad apples"
  • The Behavior Rating Profile Developed

    Created for the teachers, students, and parents to complete. Shows an ecological evaluation of the students behavior. It is described as "standardized, reliable, valid, and norm-referenced" Focuses on different environments and how a student and others view his or her interactions.
  • The Waksman Social Skills Rating Scale

    Allow comparison of student to a normative domain. Behavior is described on 2 scales: aggressive and passive.
  • Social Skills Rating System

    SSRS evaluates social skills that are necessary to have successful interpersonal relations and function academically. Can be used with children preschool-high school by parents, teachers, and even the students themselves! Looks for: cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empahty, and self-control. Problem behaviors externalizing, internalizing, and hyperactivity, and for teachers and academic competence scale.
  • Conner's Teacher Rating Scale and Parent Rating Scale Developed

    This can be used for children ages 3-17 by parents or teachers. This can allow parents and teachers to see the similarities and differences in the students at home and at school.
  • Walker and McConnell's Scale of Scoial Competence and School Adjustment

    Can be used with Elementary students and Adolescents. Evaluates peer related and interpersonal social skills and adaptive behavior for successful classroom interactions. Adolescent version adds self-control and empathy.
  • CCBD Defines Category as Emotional or Behavioral Disorder

    This definition is modified to include more students and is more specific than IDEA 1997
  • McIntyre describes the importance of Cognitive Style and Culture

    Students from different cultures are over identified for EBD and must be evaluated by the Vazquez-Nuttal examination. This allows for different cultural bias and reactions to behaviors that may not be percieved as normal by European American Culture. McIntyre also describes the Whirlpool Phenomenon- cognitive style mismatches.
  • 1997 IDEA defines ED

    Under IDEA 1997 emotional disturbance is described as a condition exhibiting one or more of the following charcteristics over a long time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a student's educational performance. (see page 89 for further info)
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children Developed

    BASC is used for children 2-18. Normed on a national sample of children. Covers 5 components that includes a student self report, parent rating scale, teacher rating scale, a structured developmental history, and a classroom observation. Assess externalizing problems.
  • Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale Developed

    Identifies a child's emotional and behavioral strengths based on the five categories of: interpersonal strengths, family involvement, intrapersonal strengths, school functioning, and affective strengths.
  • Wisconsin further defines EBD

    This evaluates the student's criteria under IDEA 1997 but also considers the student's educational progress (academic growth and social development). If the student can make academic progress in the classroom they will proceed in the general ducation program with modifications and adaptions alone. Also includes the 8 specific criteria of EBD.