Kane- Antebellum Block 6B

By KaneRN
  • Missouri Compromise

    Congress was compelled to establish a policy to guide the expansion of slavery into the new western territory. Missouri’s application for statehood as a slave state sparked a bitter national debate.
  • Nat turners Rebellion

    incited an uprising that spread through several plantations in southern Virginia. Turner and approximately seventy cohorts killed around sixty white people.
  • United states president election of 1848

    free soil party brought people to realize slaves werent right and took some votes away from others
  • Compromise of 1850

    The measures contained in this act caused a further divide between the north and the south. The north did not want a fugitive slave law and the south feared more slave states entering the union.
  • Westward expansion

    Expansion to the west which led to the other states out there deciding to either become slave or free states
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Northerners felt as if their eyes had been opened to the horrors of slavery, while Southerners protested that Stowe’s work was slanderous.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Douglas wanted to see west become a part of the united states
  • John browns raid

    Abolitionist John Brown supported violent action against the South to end slavery and played a major role in starting the Civil War.
  • Abraham lincolns election

    his party’s anti-slavery outlook struck fear into many Southerners.
  • Battle of fort sumter

    On April 12, 1861, Confederate warships turned back the supply convoy to Fort Sumter and opened a 34-hour bombardment on the stronghold. The garrison surrendered on April 14.