
Javier Hernandez

  • Javier Hernandez was born.

    Javier Hernandez was born.
    Javier was born on June 1, 1988.
  • He played since he was 7 years of age.

    He played since he was 7 years of age.
    He was playing since he was 7 years old, he played in the recreation leauge.
  • Javier Hernandez first proffecional team.

    Javier Hernandez first proffecional team.
    His first proffesional team was C.D. Guadalajara. He joined them at the age of 15 and then was asked to play in the 2005 Fifa U-17 world championship for Mexico.
  • Javier Hernandez play his first world cup.

    Javier Hernandez play his first world cup.
    He plays the 2010 world cup in South Afica and makes 2 goals verus Argentina and France.