Member 12149246

Jaume's live

  • Jaume was born

    Jaume was born
    Jume was born in 8th of May 1983 in Barcelona
  • Jaume start his Nursery school

    Jaume start his Nursery school
  • Jaume won a football match and he was a goalkeeper

    Jaume won a football match and he was a goalkeeper
  • Jaume starts his Primary school

    Jaume starts his Primary school
  • Jaume start his Secondary school

    Jaume start his Secondary school
  • Jaume went to GPAC ecursion

    Jaume went to GPAC ecursion
  • Jaume start the Batxillerat

    Jaume start the Batxillerat
  • Jaume starts the Degree in Biology at University of Barcelona.

    Jaume starts the Degree in Biology at University of Barcelona.