Japan overview cherry blossoms

Japanese History

  • 500

    The Alphabet

    The Alphabet
    Japan adopts the Chinese alphabet, and over time changes and variations will be made.
  • Jan 1, 1543


    Portugal introduces first firearms to Japan
  • Period: to

    Japan Gains Power

    Emperor Meiji builds Japan up, making it wealthy and powerful, winning wars against China and Russia.
  • Korea

    Japan takes control of the entire Korean peninsula. Japan would keep hold of Korea until after the second world war.
  • Great Kanto Earthquake

    Great Kanto Earthquake
    The Great Kanto Earthquake, one of the worst quakes in world history, destroys Tokyo and Yokohama. More than 140,000 people are killed.
  • Sino-Japanese War

    Sino-Japanese War
    Japan goes to war with China, leading into WWII. The war ends on September 9th, 1945.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, bringing America into WWII.
  • Atomic Bombings

    Atomic Bombings
    America bombs Nagasaki and HIroshima, Japan with the world's first atom bombs, causing mass destruction, death, and illness.
  • Tōhoku Tsunami and Earthquake

    Tōhoku Tsunami and Earthquake
    Catastraphic earthquake and tsunami
    15,891 deaths, 6,152 injured
  • Buddhism

    The Korean kingdom of Paekche dispatches a delegation to introduce Buddhism to the Japanese emperor.