
By pinkhol
  • 500


    This practice is introduced to Japan and becomes the main religion. This is important because about 70% of Japanese people are Buddhists today.
  • Period: 500 to

    Japan History

  • Nov 19, 1274


    Shoguns, who are military dictators, take control of Japan and keep the country safe from invaders. This is important because Japan was finally free from invaders.
  • United States Trade

    United States Trade
    Japan starts trading with the United States which will lead to the industrialization of Japan moving the country into the 21st century.
  • Japan Rises in Power

    Japan Rises in Power
    The country becomes more powerful and gains more wealth winning wars against China and Russia. This moves Japan up in the world to be a higher power and a more respected country.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    Japan invades Manchuria, China and that then leads to a war with China.
  • Japan in World War 2

    Japan in World War 2
    During WW2 Japan becomes and ally with Italy and Germany. Japan then attacks Pearl Harbor in Hawaii leading the USA to finally join the war.
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    Two atomic bombs are dropped on Japan by the USA on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This leads to Japan surrendering and the USA helps rebuild the country into a democracy.
  • Japan Olympics

    Japan Olympics
    Tokyo is the host city for the summer Olympics making Japan the first Asian country to host.
  • Japan Economy

    Japan Economy
    China becomes the second largest economy beating Japan.
  • Earthquake

    An earthquake hits offshore of Japan and causes a tsunami that leads to huge amounts of damage to many cities. Many nuclear power plants are damaged and create danger zones of radiation.