james federation timeline

  • renaming of Van Diemons Land

    renaming of Van Diemons Land
    Van Diemons land is renamed Tasmania.
  • colonies to federate.

    colonies to federate.
    Sir Henry Parkes the premier of NSW urges colony's to federate.
  • First australian convention

    First australian convention
    The first Australasian convention is held in Sydney and drafts a constitution.
  • special premiers conference.

    special premiers conference.
    A special premier's conference agrees to hold a new federation convention.
  • Sir henry Parkes gives a speech.

    Sir henry Parkes gives a speech.
    Sir Henry Parkes gives a speech in Tenterfiels which began public debate about the possibility of Federation.
  • Premier meeting

    Premier meeting
    Premiers hold a meeting in January to discuss changes to the constitution.
  • Referendum accepted

    Referendum accepted
    The constitution of Australia has accepted the referendum.
  • Immigration Restriction Act

    Immigration Restriction Act
    It was known as the white Australian policy it was made so the British didn't mix with Asian. And so they weren't treated with cheap labour
  • Defence Act

    Defence Act
    Each colony had their on defence force until they amalgamate them into one defence force. Major general Sir Edward Hutton took first command.
  • Australia first money.

    Australia first money.
    It became of the commonwealth government to take control of Australians currency. Thomas Samuel Harrison built the first note printer.And my the first note ten Shillings