Jacob Antebellum

  • Congress Compromis of 1850

    Congress Compromis of 1850
    This compromise gave the US more land, gave us the Gold Rsh, and helped with the belief of Manifest Destiny
  • Harriet Tubman becomes a conductor of the Underground Railroad

    Harriet Tubman becomes a conductor of the Underground Railroad
    One of the most famous conductors of the US
  • California Enters the Union

    California Enters the Union
    California finally enters the Union and still has a heavy population
  • Harriet Breecher Stowe publishes Uncle Toms Cabin

    Harriet Breecher Stowe publishes Uncle Toms Cabin
    This was one of the first slave books made, It was gruesome with details, and it explained how life for a slave really was.
  • Franklin Pierce is elected President

    Franklin Pierce is elected President
  • The Republican Party Forms

    The Republican Party Forms
    More Political issues............
  • Congress approves the Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Congress approves the Kansas - Nebraska Act
    helped with manifest destiny, gave the US more land and more area for materials
  • James Buchanan is elected President

    James Buchanan is elected President
  • John Brown attacks the arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia

    John Brown attacks the arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
    John was caught and hanged for his crime and they chanted hang hang hang john brown
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected President