Jackie robinson

Jackie Robinson

  • Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born

    Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born
  • Family moved to Pasadena, CA

    Family moved to Pasadena, CA
  • Enrolled at UCLA

    Enrolled at UCLA
  • Played football for the Honolulu Bears

    Played football for the Honolulu Bears
  • Drafted into the US Army

    Drafted into the US Army
  • Joined Kansas City Monarchs in the Negro League

    Joined Kansas City Monarchs in the Negro League
  • Married Rachel Isum

    Married Rachel Isum
  • Drafted onto the Brooklyn Dodgers

    Drafted onto the Brooklyn Dodgers
    Was first African-American baseball player in major leagues
  • Named MVP of the National League

    Named MVP of the National League
  • Retired from baseball

    Retired from baseball
  • Voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame

    Voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame
  • Jackie Robinson died of a heart attack and Diabetes

    Jackie Robinson died of a heart attack and Diabetes