J.D. Rockefeller

  • Rockefeller buys out his parents

    At age 25 Rockefeller buys out his parents and founds, Rockefeller and Andrewa, Cleveland's largest refinery. Political
  • Standard Oil of Ohio

    Rockefeller founds Standard Oil of Ohio with $1 million in capital, the largest corporation in the country. The new company controls 10 percent of U.S. petroleum refining. Political
  • Control of oil

    At age 38, Rockefeller -still relatively unknown to the public -- controls almost 90 percent of the oil refined in the United States.
  • Richest man

    At age 40, Rockefeller is numbered among the countrie's 20 richest men. Social
  • Standard Oil is expanding

    Mid 1880's Stamdard Oil expands into the overseas markets of western Europe and Asia, selling more oil abroad than in the U.S. Cutural
  • First trust

    Rockefeller created the first trust. Political
  • Moving Standard Oil

    Standard Oil moves into new headquarters at 26 Broadway in New York. The address will become synonmous with Rockefeller's business empire. Social
  • Founding of a new Baptist College

    Rockefeller agrees to contribute to the founding of a new Baptist College in chicago University of chicago will become his first major philanthropic undertaking. Social
  • Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act

    Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act, which outlaws trusts and combinations in restraint of trade and also establishes fines for violators. The law is still in effect today. Political
  • Standard Oil attains it's peek

    Late 1890's Standard Oil attains it's peek influence, it's dividends surge to 31% and it's control of the market is uncontested. Cutrual
  • Stock Market Crashes

    The stock market crashes, setting off the country's first great industrial depression. Bank closings and massive unemployment. Economic
  • Rockefeller retires

    Rockefeller decides to retire from Standard Oil, gradually and secretly, in a move designed to keep the press and the public in the dark. Social
  • Follwing Rockefellers buiness

    Between 1898 and 1902, many follow the Rockefeller business model; 198 trusts are created in coal, sugar, and other industries. Economic
  • Institute for Medical Research

    Rockefeller Institute for Medcial research is created. the insitute called Rockefeller University today, will become a leader in the new field of exprinentail medicine. Social.
  • Standard Oil

    The U.S. Supreme Court announces its decision to dismantle Standard Oil. The company is ordered to divest itself of its subsidiaries within six months. Political
  • Troops to Colorado

    President Wilson sends federal troops to curb an outbreak of violence in tent camps in Colorado. Military
  • World War I

    World War I begins. The Rockefellers donate millions to international relief agencies. Military
  • World War II

    Two years after Rockefeller dies World War II begins. Military