Ivan the Terrible

  • 1547

    Married Anastasia Romanova

    Married Anastasia Romanova
  • 1548

    Tsarevna Anna Ivanovna is born

  • 1551

    Tsarevna Maria Ivanovna is born

  • 1551

    Makes ties with England for trade routes

  • 1552

    Tsarevich Dmitri Ivanovich is born

  • 1554

    Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich is born

  • 1556

    Tsarevna Eudoxia Ivanovna is born

  • 1557

    Tsar Feodor I of Russia is born

  • 1560

    Anastasia Romanova dies

    Anastasia Romanova dies
  • 1581

    Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich dies

    Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich dies
    Ivan the Terrible got into an argument with his oldest son and struck him, leaving him to die of his wounds a few days later.
  • Stichiron No. 1 in Honor of St. Peter is released

    This was the first Soviet produced CD, and was released among other poems put into music, marking the millennium of christianity in Russia