Italy's Move to War

  • Treaty of London

    how Italy joined the Allies in WWI
    called the win a mutilated victory because:
    Increased economic & political divisions
    Left economic & political promises unfulfilled
    Huge financial debt
  • March on Rome

    Oct. 1922, tried to seize power with the March on Rome
    The King, industrial leaders, & the middle class were part of his ideology
    King appointed him Prime Minister
  • Alliance with Albania

    president of Albania (President Zogu) signed an alliance with Italy (1926)
    Albania transformed from a republic into a monarchy under Zogu’s rule (1928)
  • Wall Street Crash

    World Trade declined 70%
    Industrialized countries suffered unemployment
    Banks collapsed; at least 9000 in the US
    Trade barriers established to keep money within the countries borders:
    Harmed the economies
    Reduced trade
    Imperial powers looked to their colonies for economic support and created system's of imperial preference
  • Wal-Wal Incident

    2 Italian troops died while 100 Abyssinian troops died
    Italy wanted apology, Abyssinia brought it to league of nations
    LN decided minor incident & did nothing; often seen as the end of the LN because it showed that the LN really couldn’t hold up collective security (war on one = war on all) and weren’t able to keep 2 of its members from hurting each other
  • Stresa Front

    agreement with Britain, France, and Italy to form a united front against Germany
  • Hoare-Laval Plan

    Between Britain & France
    Italy gets ⅔ of Abyssinia to control
    ⅓ independent with access to the sea
    Leaked to French press → British outrage → Hoare (brit foreign secretary) resigned → plan abandoned
  • Period: to

    Abyssinian Invasion

    successful; merged Abyssinia, Somalia, & Erittera into Italian East Africa
    Mussolini violently repressed the people
    LN condemned Italy’s actions, B & F didn’t because fear; LoN voted to impose sanctions but very few were actually placed (those placed were by the SU), US trade blocking as well
    Led to Italy withdrawing from the LN in protest
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Mutual foreign policies & interests between Italy & Germany
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    SU was supporting communists internationally to spread this ideology, this pact was between Japan and Germany to form an opposition to this (ANTI-COMMUNIST CAMPAIGN)
    Italy joined later
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Mussolini & the Italian people supported General Franco
  • Pact of Steel

    Italy & Germany to assist each other for war, economy, & military
    Germany didn’t follow
  • Annexation of Albania

    Italian soldiers had arrived at Durrёs (a port in Albania) on April 7th 1939 and eventually occupied the country by April 10th. This led Italy to annex Albania.
    LN did nothing once again but the SU protested it