By lissur4
  • The German Unification

    The German Unification
    The german unificación seemed unlikely to occurred.
    In the 1850´s German Unification seemed unlikely to happen. The German Confederation, which was the political stucture for 39 states. The Confederation was established at the Congress of Vienna.
    Railways made it easy for these states to trade with each other.
  • William I Succeeding Fredrick William IV

    William I Succeeding Fredrick William IV
    William IV was announced insane so his brother could became the new king of Prussia. His first idea was to strenghten the army, he increased the number of officers. William needed to increase taxes so he could reach his goals, that cause that the liberals didnt like that idea and they refuse to pay extra taxes set monarch and parlament into deadlock.
  • Otto Von Bismarck

    Otto Von Bismarck
    William I turned for help from Otto Von Bismarck, he was a representative from Prussia and an embassador to russia. Bismarck moved quickly against the liberal parlament after becoming the Prime minister and supported German nationalism as a strategy to set up Prussian conservatives to outflank Prussian liberals.
  • The Danish War

    The Danish War
    The Danish parlament wanted both Germans and Danes to integrate with Denmark. This started an all-German war because they wanted to stop this move. The Danish defeat strenghthened Bismarcks political power.
  • The Austro-Pruissan War

    The Austro-Pruissan War
    War was provoked by Bismarck. Conflict arose over the administration of Scleswig and Holstein and the war was to push away from Austria and towards Prussia. The treaty of Prague ended the conflict on august 23. The war lasted 7 weeks.
  • The North German Confederation

    The North German Confederation
    The north german confederation formed after the Seven Weeks War (Austro Prussia War) in 1867. The German confederation formed north of the Main River. All militarry force was under federal control. Berlin was its capital. This North German Confederations constitution served as a guide for the German Empire that emerged in 1871
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War
    A war between France and Prussian that showed the strenght of the new German Military and its upcoming empire. Provoked by Bismark as a part of his plan to create a unified German Empire
  • Treaty of Frankfurt Between France & The German Empire

    Treaty of Frankfurt Between France & The German Empire
    The Franco Prussian war ended. This treaty established the frontier between the French and German Empire. The treaty also gave the german Empire a spot on the big European political powers.