
By Vesq707
  • 570

    Muhammad's Early Life

    Muhhammad was born in 570 into a hard life.His parents died and he lived with his grandfather then his uncle.He grew up to be a worker for a caravan company who was owned by a wealthy woman he married(Burstein & Shek 59).
  • Jan 1, 610

    God's Message

    God sent an angel to Muhammad and told him to recite. Muhammad was confused and then the angel told him the whole recite. This made Muhammad a prophet. "Recite in the name of your Lord who created,created man from clots of blood"(Burstein & Shek 60).
  • Jan 1, 613

    Muhammad's Teachings

    Muhammad began teaching what the angel had told him. He taught that"There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet". His teachings were not accepted by many andany were upset as Muslims worshipped many gods and goddesses.(Burstein & Shek 61-63).
  • Jan 4, 622

    Islam Spreads

    Over time people began to listen to the ideas that Muhammad had. This made the rulers of Mecca worried, so worried they planned to kill Muhammad. This forced him to leave along with his family."as the threats from Mecca's leaders got worse, Muhammad excepted the invitation" (Burstein & Shek 63).