Iran and The Middle East from the 1980's onwards

  • New Shah

    New Shah
    Mohammad Reza Pahlavi became the Shah, (head of the Iranian Monarchy)
  • Period: to

    Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's reign

  • New Prime Minister

    Ali Razmara becomes prime minister and is assassinated less than nine months later.
  • Prime Minister Assassinated

    Ali Razmara was assassinated during a visit to a mosque. He was fatally wounded following three shots fired by the assassin- Khalil Tahmassebi (A member of the militant Islamic group Fadayan-e Islam)
  • Mohammad Mosaddeq takes over as New PM

    Mohammad Mosaddeq takes over as New PM
    Mohammad Mosaddeq took over as PM following the assassination of Ali Razmara. He belonged to the National Front political party in Iran
  • Mosaddeq removed from power

    Following a rigged referendum, Mossadeq dissolved parliament and was removed from power by the CIA at the request of MI6. Iranian General Fazlollah Zahedi was chosen to succeed Mosaddeq
  • Rebellion

    Between august and september the Shah's policies to 'westernise' Iran managed to alienate the clergy and his authoritarian rule leads to riots, strikes and mass demonstrations. Martial law is imposed.
  • Royal Reign collapses

    Guerrillas and rebel troops overwhelmed troops loyal to the Shah in armed street fighting following the Shah's exile to America in January
  • Shah dies

    The Shah dies of cancer in Egypt
  • Period: to

    First Persian Gulf War

    War between Iraq and Iran . After a long history of border disputes, Iraq invaded Iran, wanting to become the dominant Persian Gulf State (Iran held this title)