inventors timeline

By henry14
  • James Hardgraves birth

    this is the day James Hardgraves was born
  • James Watt Birth

    the Birth of James Watt
  • birth of William Murdock

    when William Murdock was born
  • james hargreaves invention

    he was 44 at the time
  • james watt invention

    this was when james watt invented the steam engine
  • birth of george stephenson

  • Michael Findlay brith

  • william murdoch invention

    this was when he invented the coal powerd engine
  • George Stephenson Invention

    He invented the locamotive and he was 33 at the tme.
  • Micheal Fanaday Invention

    he invented the electric motor
  • the birth of Karl Benz

  • Alexander Graham Bell birth

  • Birth of Henry Ford

  • Wilbur Wright birth

    the seccond Wright brother
  • Orvile Wright birth

    the first wright brother
  • karl benz invention

    this was the year karl benz invented the mercadce benz
  • alexander graham ball invention

  • henry ford invention

    this was when henry ford invented the ford prodoctuon line
  • the write brothers invention

    this was the year the write brothers invented the plane and were the first to fly it