Inventions for Convenience

  • Jan 1, 1284

    Invention of Glasses

    Invention of Glasses
    glassesEyeglasses were invented by Salvino D'Amarte in 1284.This invention was a glass inside of a frame that you place in ront of your eyes for people who can't see as well as others. Since D'Amarte injured his own eyes in a light expeiment he decided to make wearble eyeglasses which helped people see. Before, people would just have to live with the vision they had there was no option, but now you could get a pair a glasses for nearsightedness or farsightedness.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Printing Press is Invented

    Printing Press is Invented
    Printing PressJohannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440. His printing press was a falt surface that you carved what u wanted to print in it, then you would cover the carving with ink, and lastly press the surace on to the paper which would leave the ink on. This revolutionized newpapers, because before the printing press you would have to write all your newspaper copies. That is why that before the printing press that newspapers weren't as popular as tthey later became.
  • Telescope is Invented

    Telescope is Invented
    Telescope The telescope was invented on September 25,1608 by Hans Lipperhey.His inventeion was a circular tude with a glass in it that could magnify, zoom in, on objects to see them better or get a better view. This helped traveling especially by water. Now if lost or stranded at sea you can look through the lens for land or for other ships. Later the telescope was used to look at space by Galileo and many others.
  • Baby Carriagge is Invented

    Baby Carriagge is Invented
    Stroller The first stroller, baby carriage was invented by William Kent in 1733. Kent had to find an easier way of transporting the Duke' children. He mad a shell like shape with wheels and springs that could be pulled by an animal. Afterwards the news spread throughout Europe the carriage were sold to the wealthiest of people. The arriages are still sold now with more safety fatures and not lots can afford them.
  • Invention of the Doorbell

    Invention of the Doorbell
    Doorbell<a The electric doorbell was invented in 1831 by Joseph Henry. It is a bell on or outside of a building, typically a house or residents, that can be rung from a distance through an electric wire. Before it was invented people had either a mechanical doorbell, a doorknocker, or you had to knock on the door with your hand. This invention falls under convenience because it requires little effort to press a button. It is also convenient because it is easier than physically knocking with your hand.
  • Invention of the Camera

    Invention of the Camera
    CameraThe first camera was invented and patented on May 8, 1840 by Alexander Wolcott. His camera was able to take photos without them fading away over time, and his invention lateer led to the opening of his photography shop. Before, there were primitive cameras which were cameras, but the images faded and took too long to develope. Now people could take a picture let is develope and keep it,and it woulldn't fade away.
  • Telephone is Invented

    Telephone is Invented
    TelephoneOn June 2nd, 1875 the telephone was invented and used successfully by Alexander Graham Bell. This invention made communication much easier than it was before. Instead of having to write a letter/note and send it in the mail, which took days, weeks, or months depending on the distance, you can actually talk to the person from any distance. Before, there was an invention somewhat like the telephone it was called the telegram, except now the person on the other end could now hear your voice.
  • Invention of the Lightbulb

    Invention of the Lightbulb
    LightbulbThe lightbulb was invented by Thomas Edison, and was presented to the public on December 31, 1879. This invention recieved it' patent on Janurary 27, 1880, patent number #223898. This invention also helped in convenience, because before if people wasnted light they would have to light a candle and bring it with them or place it some where. If your candle burned out, you'd have to light another,and if you didn't have anymore, you were out of luck. Lightbulbs were also much safer than candles.
  • Invention of the Electric Fan.

    Invention of the Electric Fan.
    FanThe electric fan was invented in 1882 by Schuyler Skaats Wheeler. This invention was blades powered by a motor to spin circular and blow cool air towards you when it is hot.Before , there was physical labor involved, and you fanned yourself by swinging paper or leaves to create wind.The physical way also got rather tiring after a while ,and it didn't produce lots of air. Now you flip a swich and cool air is produced in seconds with no physical labor. The invention was successful and still sold.
  • Air Conditioner is Invented

    Air Conditioner is  Invented
    Air ConditionerOn June 17, 1902 Willis Carter invented the air conditioner. This invention was a machne that regulated your house temperture regulated in the summer heat. Before, when it was hot you had to keep hydrateded and fan yourself. Now you can flip aswich and blow cool air into the house.The invention was a large success and air conditioners are still sold today.
  • Invention of the Airplane

    Invention of the Airplane
    The first airplane was flown for 12 seconds on the 17th of December, 1903. The plane was invented by Orville and Wilbur Wright, the Wright Brothers. The two brothers experimented with gliders until they could mke one you can control while in the air. As they experimented more they learned more and controlled the aircraft better. This invention would revolutionize travel and be largely used in the 20th and 21st centuries.
  • Invention of the Washing Machine

    Invention of the Washing Machine
    Washing MachineThe electrically powered washing machine was invented by Alva J. Fisher in 1908. The Thor, the first wahsing machine was produce by the Hurley Machine Company of Chicago, Illinois. The machine recieved it's patent ,US patent #966677, in 1910. Before this invention there were several other washing machines, but all were hand powered. Now people could wash their clothes/ items while working on other things, which makes that person's life either.
  • Assembly Line is Invented

    Assembly Line is Invented
    Assembly LineOn December 1st, 1913 Henery Ford invented the assembly line. The assembly line was used to mass produce Ford's Model T, an afordable automobile. In the assembly line were people on rows on each side assembling their part to the car when it got to them. This made production increase because instead of everyone one working on one car they can each work on a part and keep production going. Later other companies, not just automobile started using the assembly line and it is still used today.
  • Invention of the Hand--Held Calculator

    Invention of the Hand--Held Calculator
    CalculatorIn December of 1972, Jack Kilby, Jerry Merryman, and James Van Tassel presented the worlds first hand-held calculator. Now people can have an item to calculate on the go and it is much easier. Before this invention people used a mechanical calculater which is heavier, harder to use, and it's not very mobile. Thee new invention also had scientific functions which made it even more convenient than it already was.
  • Cell Phone is Invented

    Cell Phone is Invented
    Cell PhoneThe cell phone was invented in 1973 by Motorala worker Martin Cooper. This invention at first was the size of a brick and had an antenna on the top. In Modern day this phone would be extremely inconvenient, but at the time this was the first portable phone. Before, you would have to drive to a pay phone or go to your own house. This invention was a large success, widely sold, and still sold today.