Liberty leading the people

Intercultural studies II-2020

By Rachjaz
  • The Jesuist Missions in South America

    The Jesuist Missions in South America
    They founded several missions and developed a kind of evagelisation. They put into practice the precepts of the Gospel,isolated the Guaraní from the influencies of the Europeans and developed the creativityof the Indios.
  • Enlightenment

    The thinkers of this Age wanted to discover the natural laws that govern the universe and the human society.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution began in Britain and spread to other countries. Several causes initiated it: the population growth, the invention of the steam machine, prolific exchange of scientific and technological ideas.
  • Argentina

    Historical events that made our country a free Republic from Spain.
  • American Independence

    American Independence
    On this date, the Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, cutting all bonds between Britain and the 13 colonies and calling into being a new organization- the United States of America.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution shaped the political structure of Europe. The goals of the revolution were the abolition of aristocratic rule, a constitution and intellectual freedom. It stressed social mobility without class barriers and strove for the nation, in which the common good took procedure over self-interest.
  • Travels in south America

    Travels in south America
    Caldcleugh Alexander travels in South America, During the years, 1819-20-21: Containing an Account of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Aires and Chile,
  • The plight of women's work in the early Indutrail Revolution in Britain and Wales

    The plight of women's work in the early Indutrail Revolution in Britain and Wales
    Women's role during the Industrial Revolution and the inhuman work conditions they had.
  • The Britsh Empire

    The Britsh Empire
    The British Empire comprised the dominions, colonies and other territories ruled by the United Kingdom. It originated with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England.