
Intelligence in Psychology

  • Period: to


  • Francis Galton

    Francis Galton
    A test was given to asses one's intelegent strength, but proved to be false
  • The First Real IQ Test

    The First Real IQ Test
    Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon invented the first real IQ test to distinguish the mentally retarded from the 'normal'.
  • Definition by Binet

    Definition by Binet
    Binet defined intelligence as the capacity to form concepts, to reason well, and to comprehend well.
  • Stanford-Binet Scale

    Stanford-Binet Scale
    Lewis Terman (1916) created the Stanford-Binet Scale,
    which incorporated old items from the Binet scale, plus
    some new items
  • US Army Testing

    US Army Testing
    US Army uses inaccurate testing to determine the intelligence of their troops
  • Definition by Thorndike

    Definition by Thorndike
    Defined inteliligence as the power of good responses from the point of view of truth or fact
  • Defiinition by Spearman

    Defiinition by Spearman
    Intelligence is defined as a general ability involving mainly the ability to see relations and correlates
  • Stanford-binet scale improved

    Stanford-binet scale improved
    The 1937 revision of the scale was improved:
    – It had wider range (more room on the floor floor and
    – It had two parallel forms to permit re-testing
    – It was standardized on a carefully selected population,
    of 100 children in each six-month interval from 6 to 14
    years, and 100 in each year from 15 to 18, with control
    of sex, selected from 17 different communities
    • Alas, they were all white and (therefore) above
    average SES
  • Wechler

    Intelligence was defined as the global capacity of an
    individual to act purposefully, think rationally, and deal
    effectively with the environment
  • Gulifords Structure of Intelligence

    Gulifords Structure of Intelligence
    States: an individual's performance on intelligence tests can be traced back to the underlying mental abilities or factors of intelligence.
  • Multiple Intelligences

    Multiple Intelligences
    Howard Gardner publishes "Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences"
  • Definition by Gardner

    Definition by Gardner
    Intelligence is defined as the ability to solve problems or fashion products valued within some setting